Time is Precious

Thanks Jeff. We get so engrosed in our lives, it is too easy to remember the blessings from others involvement.
Interesting that you posted this today.
I went to see on of my good friends today. Met him at church years ago. A really great guy. Don't even really know what we have in common but we just "clicked". He retired this past winter. I think he is 63 or so. His wife just retired last fall and they were looking forward to doing some traveling and maybe moving to the Carolinas.
Today will be the last time I see him. Leukemia. He called me last Friday to say goodbye, but I had to go see him. Couldn't let him off that easy. I was glad I went (with my wife) today.
The pastor had a good video the other day about how we are given today. Nothing more. Just today. Enjoy it.
Neal Young, Oh yeah.
I'm 63. One of my favorites.
7 Miles, I'm really sorry for your loss my friend.
Thanks Jeff.

I have thought about Billy Joel lately. "Only the good die young". Not really true of course, but it does make you think and question.
I might be repeating myself but years ago a fellow at work was closing in on retiring , I mentioned he was " too young " early sixties . He asked if I ever saw the " Tale of the tape " , He held a tape measure in his hand , he started pulling it out as I answered him , " every year is an inch ", he started asking me questions , how old was I when I graduated HS 18" , met my wife , 19" got married 25" first child 30" , second at 34" on and on until my current age , around 57" , " Look at how much time has past ,, then he said the average man lives to 78 , he held his finger at 57" then pulled it out to 78" He said " that's about how much time you have left " . Quite an eye opener !!!! . Enjoy as much time as you can with loved ones in this life ,, like the OP " the sands of time are running out"