Vfd flashed up epr code


Active User
Dec 2, 2012

my vfd threw an error code "epr" apparently its eeprom error, i powered it down and back up the error cleared , the vfd is an idrive , looks just like a westing house teco.

anyone had this come up? Is i a warning of iminant failure?

any comments appriciated :)
pthanks ,

If you get that error only once, then be only a little concerned. If you start seeing it frequently, then it might be time to send an email to the factory, and also have a backup plan.
If you get that error only once, then be only a little concerned. If you start seeing it frequently, then it might be time to send an email to the factory, and also have a backup plan.

I will keep an eye on it , I've just run it for about 30 minuets and it hasn't thrown another fault, so fingers crossed. :)

i better get working on my diy vfd some more, im thinking of making one for my new 2hp hack saw.

A DYI VFD? That's a pretty ambitious project, not one that I would care to tackle. I know you can buy all of the components off the shelf, but I still would not want to spend the time doing the engineering, but then I am a bit lazy.

When you start that project, would you please post your progress? I would like to see how that comes together.