Wanted - Atlas motor bracket and maybe table for benchtop drill press


Jan 1, 2021
I got a partial Atlas 42B drill press with some other stuff I bought. It's in rough shape, but a fun little fixer-upper. I need the bracket with the two 3/4" posts. I'm not looking for the exact replacement version - looking at these things, there seem to be all kinds of interchangeable versions - cast/stamped/etc. I know there are a bunch on eBay, but figured maybe someone here is parting one out. And if anyone in the New England area has one, picking it up vs shipping might be an option. No rush!!!
PS - my table has an "arc of shame" your high school shop teacher would have been proud of - so I'd be interested in a table too!!!
Hi all - all set! Went back to the place I got the drill press, and rummaged around for 6 hours Bought a lot of goodies Just as I was about to pack up, I looked on a shelf, and there was the bracket AND a motor!
Perseverance does sometimes pay off!