WARNING: Check the fine feed of your quill!

Rex Walters

H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2015
I finally got around to installing the quill DRO that's been rattling around in a drawer for several years.

I was alarmed to discover that the DRO didn't display the same values as the dial on my quill feed. The DRO was consistently displaying smaller travel distances than the dial.

I've since discovered (thanks @darkzero) that others have apparently run into this before me.

In a nutshell, just because the dial is labeled in 0.001" divisions and 0.100" per full turn, it doesn't mean your quill is axially moving 0.001" or 0.100".

Like many offshore collet manufacturers, the maker apparently felt that 25mm is close enough to an inch. The quill on my Grizzly G0762 square column mill actually moves 2.5mm (0.0984") for each full turn of the dial, not the 0.100" I thought it was moving. That's a 1.6% error with every adjustment!

This is a pretty big deal on benchtop mills because we can't move the table in Z. On a knee mill, I think one usually raises the table for accurate Z adjustments and tends to leave the quill locked with minimal stick-out for rigidity when milling — the quill dial is only for boring holes. On a benchtop mill, head movements in Z are harder to do precisely (lowering vs. raising, usually with no dial or DRO for the Z-location of the head itself), so we pretty much always use the quill to adjust cutter depth (re-locking for each pass).

At least a few of the blown dimensions I've made in prior projects make sense now.

There's no need to check a Bridgeport, of course, but anyone with a mill that has a suspicious number of metric cap screws and the like (pretty much any offshore benchtop mill) should check their fine-feed dials for accuracy before depending on them.

Here's how I checked mine:

First find a couple ground pins of known but different dimensions. I used gauge pins (because I use them for EVERYTHING), but end mill shanks, ejector pins, dowel pins, etc. work just as well. Just mic whatever you use beforehand and verify their diameters beforehand. I used a 0.500" and 0.100" gauge pin to make the math easy, but any two diameters more than a couple hundred thou apart are fine. A 123 block also work, but rolling a pin under the indicator tip is best.

You also need a 0.001"/division or (better) 0.0005"/division dial indicator attached to the spindle and a flat reference. I used the top of my mill vise (which despite appearances in the macro photo was recently stoned and swept with my hand).


Now lower the quill and roll the larger pin under the indicator from behind until it shows maximum deflection. Adjust the quill until the indicator is reads exactly zero, then zero your dial (and DRO if you have one). I then locked the quill since this is how I will actually use it when milling. Locking the quill tightly on my machine reliably induces about 0.0025" of movement, so I had to re-zero everything after locking.



Next, remove the pin, unlock the quill, and lower the quill by the difference between the two diameters, using the dial as the reference. In my case, the difference in diameters was 0.400", so I rotated the fine-feed wheel four complete revolutions. Since the feed mechanism is a worm gear, do NOT go past the reading then back up to eliminate backlash like you would with table movements. Just ensure you move the dial in the same direction on the way to zero for each measurement. Re-lock the quill.


Note that the DRO reads less than 0.400". It's suspiciously close to 10mm (0.3937"). The DRO value displayed is equivalent to 10.0457, and the slight discrepancy (0.0016" over 0.400") is from many possible sources:
  • My inability to align the relatively coarse (and dirty) fiduciary mark and dial divisions
  • Lack of rigidity in the DRO and mount
  • Movement from locking the quill (the dial doesn't move, but the quill and DRO itself does)
  • Cumulative errors in the worm gear mechanism.
  • Various misalignments (DRO to spindle axis, tram from spindle to vise top, orthogonality in the feed mechanism)
Now let's verify that the quill actually traveled downward the amount shown on the DRO rather than the dial. Roll the smaller pin under the indicator tip and verify the reading.


In my case, the quill was pretty close to .0035" away from a full .400" of travel. This is about a thou off from what the DRO displayed, but more than three and a half thou off from the dial. I'm pretty sure the discrepancy with the DRO reading is mostly due to locking the quill and lack of rigidity in the DRO, but all of the factors listed above contribute (and several more, I'm sure).

The indicator and pins is where the rubber meets the road. My quill actually moved ~0.3965" between the two measurements. Note that this was only with four turns of the dial, longer travel distances would, of course, show even more of a discrepancy.

This experiment convinced me of ~~two things~~ THREE, three things (ah, ah, ahh):
  1. The DRO is a far more reliable indicator of quill movement than the dial. It's more than accurate enough for my needs.
  2. The fine feed mechanism really moves 2.5mm/revolution.
  3. That means every division is really 0.025mm not 0.001". Every 0.010" on the dial is really only 0.00984".
Since the manufacturer sells this machine both to metric and inch-based users, they mostly likely just threw on a 100 division 0.001"/division dial instead of a 50 division 0.05mm/division dial, leaving everything else the same.

I'll be very surprised if there aren't a large number of users of these mills with the same issue.
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I checked my 1984 RF30 clone. The x axis measures .10005"/rev, the y axis measures .09972"/rev. and the quill (z axis) measures .08486/rev. The y and z were measured over 50 revs. while the x was measured over 100 revs. Measurements were made with the DRO which was calibrated against a micrometer. The scale on the z axis is nominally .085"/rev.

It looks like the pitch of the column rack is 8mm and the pinion gear has 10 teeth, This would make one turn of the hand wheel equal to 80mm or 3.1496" of quill travel. There also appear to be 37 teeth on the on the worm gear resulting in .0851" quill travel per rev. of the fine feed. Conceivably, the .002" difference could be due to wear on the rack. I double checked my DRO calibration and it is accurate to better than .0004" over 3".

And BTW, the fasteners on my mill are all either UNC or UNF.
This is also a known problem on asian 9 x 20 lathes that have a metric cross slide screw with SAE dials. You lose .003" per rev.
The scale on the z axis is nominally .085"/rev.
Interesting. Is it just a linear scale, or did they actually divide the dial into 85 divisions?

the fasteners on my mill are all either UNC or UNF
That's probably the best tell: Metric hardware and you very likely have a metric leadscrew somewhere (if only the quill). I wonder if anyone with metric dials on a Rong Fu clone is complaining somewhere!

It's funny, it never even occurred to me to check the X and Y dials! I put a DRO on the table before I even turned on the mill for the first time. I suspect I saved myself countless off by 0.100" errors, and I know for certain I saved a lot of headaches dealing with backlash. (I still think about backlash constantly and ensure my final movement is against the cutting forces, but at least I didn't have to do any math with dial readings.)
The Grizzly G0602 lathe has 1.5mm pitch lead screws on thew cross slide and the tailstock. The compound has a 1.0mm pitch on the lead screw. The cross slide and tailstock dials have 60 divisions per revolution labeled as .001"/div. The actual distance is .0009845". A full revolution of either will actually be .05906" instead of the nominal .060" or short by just under .001". A full revolution of the compound dial will actually be .03937" rather than the nominal .040" or short by just over a half thou.

When using the lathe, I never use the dials for measuring gross movements. I relay on my calipers or micrometer. When I am close to my final dimension, I will then make adjustments based on the dial. Over the span of .010", the error is only .000155". The good news is that the error will always result in removing less material than necessary.

Of course, adding a DRO eliminates all the issues as well as issues with errors due to wear and backlash.
Interesting. Is it just a linear scale, or did they actually divide the dial into 85 divisions?
The dial actually has 85 divisions. In the good old days before the DRO, it meant that I had to count the number of whole turns and calculate the total distance traveled and then add to that the distance of the fractional turn. But then I was used to that because the lead screw on my Atlas/Craftsman 6x18 is 16 tpi. I made a dial for it with 62 full divisions and one 1/2 division. To travel a set distance, I would calculate the distance in whole 1/16"s and the remainder in thousandths. It made for some interesting lathe work.
The Grizzly G0602 lathe has 1.5mm pitch lead screws on thew cross slide and the tailstock. The compound has a 1.0mm pitch on the lead screw.
I've not checked, but this makes me strongly suspect the table movement leadscrews on my mill are also metric.

I never use the dials for measuring gross movements. I relay on my calipers or micrometer.
Yeah, but if your measurement says you need to take, say, .157" off the diameter, how do you know how far you're moving the cross-slide? :)

I think you mean that you always make sure to leave some stock when roughing (not trusting the dials too much), but trust them for the final few thou of finishing passes.

I would calculate the distance in whole 1/16"s and the remainder in thousandths. It made for some interesting lathe work.

You had the best of all possible worlds: fractional AND decimal inches with a metric leadscrew to boot!

I wonder why you bothered installing a DRO? (laugh)