Worried of Being Robbed after Posting Pictures

A few years back I sold a lathe from my house. I did have a few characters come to look at the machine. It did bother me and decide that I would not do it again. Now I use a used tool dealer to place things on consignment. I lose a little money, but I don't lose sleep.

I think that special insurance would be out of the question, but I do have a dog.

I really don't worry about the pictures, I am very selective about who sees my shop, what bothers me is I don't look at theft as stealing my tools I look at as stealing part of my life, the part of my life I had to work to earn the money for those tools.

Some people are amazingly bold though, I've been working for the last couple of years designing and testing a rear mounted snow blower for my lawn tractor, blade on the front blower on the back, best of both worlds kind of thing.
I look out my window one day and see a guy looking in my garage window, I go out and ask what the hell are you doing, he says "I thought you kept your tractor back here I'm going to take pictures of how you mounted the blower" ........ not "can I take pictures" ... "I'm going to"

Some people I just don't understand...!:thinking:
Dogs are worth their weight in gold.
A bunch of thieving kids got caught here a few years ago doing the rounds. They had a street map of the neighborhood with every house that had dogs clearly marked.
Those were the ones that didnt get burgled.
Two stories I must tell about when I was visiting some rellies in West Virginia some years ago.
Australia had been going through a series of home invasions where the occupants were tied up, assaulted, robbed.
I asked if anything like that ever happened there.
They all wet themselves laughing stating that everyone knew every house was full of firearms (14 where I was staying) so no one would be that stupid and even if they did they all knew someone with a backhoe. My kind of justice.
The 90 year old mother of the bloke I was staying with had a visit from a young man from social services about a week before we arrived.
She is a frail white haired old lady who needed a zimmer frame in the house let alone outside.
When asked if she had any means of protection in the house she stated she had a 38 on the bedside table.
So he replied but thats in the bedroom what about now when your in the lounge.
To which she replied "In that case sonny I would use this" pulling out the most humongous hand gun from the cushions of her chair I've ever seen.
Unfortunately even a shanghi/catapult is illegal to own in our nanny state so its two big dogs in my house who have an intense dislike for anyone if we are not there.
We have the shop on the alarm system with the house. And dogs. The shop also has motion lights o the exposed sides for night deterrent.
No I have not worried about this, one would need riggers to steal this stuff. My biggest thing is letting friends borrow stuff. Where in hell my cement mixer went?? I know
where it was parked, you need a loader to get at it. Obviously I plucked it out with my loader, so no mystery I should have made a note. Recently my kid looking for a
medium pickle fork (not there) wait! I wire tagged a tag on another fork ( John Doe's got it) I learned (phone call = John (I'll bring it right back)...
This business of cheat sheets and notes I think comes with age....However I did get robbed $5000 worth of alum 01 3 wire up on phone poles way way down back. How in
the world they went up 40' poles cut a mile of it in 3 foot strips. Ok the next street last house called PD for kids that keep comming out of the woods. Four of them charged
with trespassing and receiving stolen property. So of course I get a summons I tell wife you are going not me. In my former life I am a retired Sgt. from this dept. and I
know how the system works....thats why I sent her. Of course they get a slap on the hands can't get blood outta of a stone or sentence in time (then we pay to feed
them) I still have not gotton restitution for 5 grand scrap price. Kicker is nobody knows where the wire went for junk outof state. They were caught with only a few pounds. ???????

the correct term is burglarize. Robbed would be face to face.

When i used to break and enter, it was 90% of the time people i had some connection with.

That being said, the best thing you can do is lock your door, don't be flagrant, keep GPS off your pictures, and take that "i buy scrap carbide" sticker off your car.

If a professional wants to get in, he's getting in. you'll be at work. get a deer camera or something.

Did you notice he said keep GPS off of your pictures. Many people give exact locations to the place the picture was taken and don't even know it.