Pm-940m-cnc (pre-assembled)


Jun 3, 2016
Hi. I am a new forum member. Great forum. Great members. Great advice. I'd like to start a thread for PM-940M CNC owners. There's not a lot of model specific help out there for this machine. Is there anyone else out there that has one of these and could share some Mach 3 settings? The set up manual that comes with it is translated and hard to decipher. Here are some links and files that have helped me so far. I'm not 100% operational yet. I'm finding a lot of conflicting pins/port numbers between the various model numbers.


  • JNC-40M Manual(English).pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 574
  • ADDENDUM-Homing-1.pdf
    2.6 MB · Views: 324
  • Installation and commissioning.pdf
    141 KB · Views: 345
    3.5 MB · Views: 698
  • PM45CNCBasicSoftwareSetup-2.pdf
    4.1 MB · Views: 389
  • PM45CNCSetupandControls.pdf
    683.2 KB · Views: 307
There are a several of us that have bought/converted PM-45's, PM-932's and a few PM-940's so there's a large base of knowledge that you can tap into to make your build go easier. Most are running Mach 3 with a few running other control software.

I have a PM-932 that I converted about 1-1/2 years ago. I'd be more than happy to share my setup files and screen shots. Let me know what you need help with and I'll post them.

Tom S.
Thanks TomS. I appreciate it. I have about a week of wheat harvest left. Once that is out of the way I will me able to dedicate more than a few minutes each morning to the mill. I have everything functioning except the spindle. I'm getting closer!
I also have a PM-940M-CNC I got at the end of last year. I managed to break it down into small enough pieces to have about 5-6 friends help me move it into my basement. I'm still working on getting it all set up the way I want it. I did have to reduce the limits on the travel of the Z-axis due to my ceiling height. I lost about 1" of travel. But, to have it located inside where I can use it year round is worth it.
Arrrgh. I still can't get this spindle to turn. FWD & REW lights up on the VFD in the cabinet when i toggle spindle. Could someone share some screenshots of their Mach3 settings for the PM-940M-CNC? I am using Windows 7, Mach3, VFD, USB connection to the Jamen controller card. I've emailed Precision Matthews and they sent me the .pdf's in my first post(sigh). Do i need to do any setup on the VFD? While i appreciate the self-education on Mach 3 and JNC-40M, it seems to me they would have much happier customers if they included a Mach3 setup file on the CD they ship it with. At the very least some customer support would be appreciated. Deciphering and decoding the JNC-40M controller manual is kicking my butt.
Arrrgh. I still can't get this spindle to turn. FWD & REW lights up on the VFD in the cabinet when i toggle spindle. Could someone share some screenshots of their Mach3 settings for the PM-940M-CNC? I am using Windows 7, Mach3, VFD, USB connection to the Jamen controller card. I've emailed Precision Matthews and they sent me the .pdf's in my first post(sigh). Do i need to do any setup on the VFD?

YES. I have a pm940 cnc. Need to setup vfd according to manual. Test it in manual mode first. Set mode to F 1.2. (At least on my model) I futzed with the cds for an hour during setup. Good luck
I sent an email to Precision Matthews asking about the VFD. I just received a reply from Greg at Precision Matthews. Matt is on vacation for the next week and is still unavailable. He claims no setup to the VFD is required.
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Just ran across this thread. I also have a PM-940M-CNC. I have removed the stock controller and replaced it with an ESS controller which has made setup easier. I am also able to do backlash compensation in Mach3 with the ESS, whereas I was unable to get it to do anything with the JNC controller. If anyone has questions I will try and help.
I should be getting a new PM-940-CNC-VS from Precision Mathews / Quality Machine Tools in the coming weeks. I will contribute my experience here so others can benefit as much as I have from the posts already made. ( Huge thanks to the guys that posted their Mach3 setup tutorials for the closely related PM-45M-CNC mentioned above. )

I'm somewhat experienced with Mach3 and have converted a smaller mill to CNC. At some point I expect to move to a Mesa Controller and use LinuxCNC via Ethernet. Also after ensuring everything works I will likely remove the electronics box from the rear of the column so I can build an enclosure for chip and coolant containment. I will share my experience here.

One initial question regarding the need for a ? 28mm ? spline wrench for tightening and loosening the drawbar. I have looked online and could not find one available to purchase. Is there a source for this that others have found ?

Happy New Year !

Jake D.
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