What's wrong with people these days? RANT

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Nov 25, 2015
I took my dog out for a walk to the horse farm up the road. It's about 75 acres and has a walking trail around it, and the next farm.
On my way there we are walking in the road, and a Harley slows down, about 2 feet from me and Rex he drops into low gear and opens the throttle full bore. My dog jumps, he is scared s*t less... It's loud, open pipes. WTF.. I guess he thought it was funny.

My wife is scheduled for a hair salon for tomorrow, she gets a text from her hair cutter.. Call me. She calls, someone came in yesterday got a haircut and toward the end told them that she had covid.. just tested positive... NO MASK.. NO CONCERN... so today the salon is closed for disinfecting. She had a rapid test yesterday and today and is negative.. (means nothing because you may not show positive for a few days).. her cutter knows we had a grand kid this week, and knows we are going up to Ct for the Christmas.. she at least has a brain, but the woman that had covid was so selfish to come in possibly infect everyone... And NO MASK.. the mask protects people from your possible infection, not the other way around...

Anyway.. Many times these days I am left feeling there is no sense of decency, common courtesy, treat people like you would like to be treated.. People killing people at an alarming rate..

I should feel blessed right now, having a new grandchild... but what I feel is fear for what her life might be like if things continue to slip. It's like an old TV or movie where things have gotten so bad... escape from NY type... maybe it wasn't sci fi or whatever.. it's almost here.
I took my dog out for a walk to the horse farm up the road. It's about 75 acres and has a walking trail around it, and the next farm.
On my way there we are walking in the road, and a Harley slows down, about 2 feet from me and Rex he drops into low gear and opens the throttle full bore. My dog jumps, he is scared s*t less... It's loud, open pipes. WTF.. I guess he thought it was funny.

My wife is scheduled for a hair salon for tomorrow, she gets a text from her hair cutter.. Call me. She calls, someone came in yesterday got a haircut and toward the end told them that she had covid.. just tested positive... NO MASK.. NO CONCERN... so today the salon is closed for disinfecting. She had a rapid test yesterday and today and is negative.. (means nothing because you may not show positive for a few days).. her cutter knows we had a grand kid this week, and knows we are going up to Ct for the Christmas.. she at least has a brain, but the woman that had covid was so selfish to come in possibly infect everyone... And NO MASK.. the mask protects people from your possible infection, not the other way around...

Anyway.. Many times these days I am left feeling there is no sense of decency, common courtesy, treat people like you would like to be treated.. People killing people at an alarming rate..

I should feel blessed right now, having a new grandchild... but what I feel is fear for what her life might be like if things continue to slip. It's like an old TV or movie where things have gotten so bad... escape from NY type... maybe it wasn't sci fi or whatever.. it's almost here.
Neighbor's dog killed two of the kittens at our barn. They're barn cats, not house pets, but we still try to socialize them enough that we can get them fixed before the next batch of kittens. Went to discuss it with the neighbor, who cronically has loose dogs wondering around by our barns. Try to be polite, not trying to antagonize, just point out that my wife gets quite upset. The guy says the dog actually belongs to his daughter in law, who is in the hospital with recurring cancer. Goes on to say his son married a real "b***h". Sigh.

After that I did ask him if he'd seen the big pit bull mix that belongs the gal who occasionally feeds horses for us. "Oh, the one missing an eye?". Yeah, that one, you know how he lost that eye? "No". Sniffing one of the stallion a bit to intimately. And then I mentioned the stray pig that had set up shop in our barnyard. Yeah, the one I shot after animal services was to busy to come get it. Just a nice neighborly way of pointing out that bad things happen. No threats made.
I hate loud piped anything, not funny at all. I think they should require straight pipes to be run straight up to the helmet so the rider can enjoy it better.

I don't know how it is where you are, but out here in the west the brain dead idiots think the neat thing to do is roll coal with their modified diesel trucks. All the better if there are pedestrians or bicycle riders to foul with their soot clouds.

Common sense is not common for sure.
It’s definitely got me thinking about the future of my 5 grandkids, youngest 3 and oldest 13z
I’m afraid to admit it but their quality of life and choices in life will be nothing like what we had.

Something has got give, lack of morals, Christian values and being a man of your word is lost.

Maybe the Lord will rescue us believers soon.
I’m ready..
It's discouraging to me that many of the folks who say they want things to go back to the old ways seem to have forgotten that the old ways included common courtesy and respect for others.

On my way home from work tuesday, I had a UPS delivery truck tailgate my for two miles... not more than 10 feet from my bumper. We were on a 4 lane divided highway, in the left lane. I couldn't speed up, there was a car in front of me. I couldn't merge right, there was a car beside me.

He was jerking the vehicle to the left and right... clearly very agitated. I decided the best thing to do was get out of his way and let him go on his way, but to do that, I HAD to slow down to let the car next to me get out of the way. I let off the gas... did not hit the brake... but as soon as the car in the right lane started getting ahead,the UPS driver jerked the truck into that lane, pulled up beside me... and merged into my lane, pushing me off the road!

He did this on purpose! I managed to avoid getting hit... just by luck...

I have a dashcam, so I have the incident on video, but the sherriffs dept wasn't even interested in seeing it.

I finally managed to get in touch with someone at UPS to file a complaint, but when they found out I had it on video, I got a definate feeling that they weren't happy about it, so I doubt anything was said or done to the idiot driver. I got the feeling that they are going to protect their fellow employees...

I feel that I was in a 'catch 22' situation, and that anything I did would have ended badly...

What is wrong with people?

I took my dog out for a walk to the horse farm up the road. It's about 75 acres and has a walking trail around it, and the next farm.
On my way there we are walking in the road, and a Harley slows down, about 2 feet from me and Rex he drops into low gear and opens the throttle full bore. My dog jumps, he is scared s*t less... It's loud, open pipes. WTF.. I guess he thought it was funny.

My wife is scheduled for a hair salon for tomorrow, she gets a text from her hair cutter.. Call me. She calls, someone came in yesterday got a haircut and toward the end told them that she had covid.. just tested positive... NO MASK.. NO CONCERN... so today the salon is closed for disinfecting. She had a rapid test yesterday and today and is negative.. (means nothing because you may not show positive for a few days).. her cutter knows we had a grand kid this week, and knows we are going up to Ct for the Christmas.. she at least has a brain, but the woman that had covid was so selfish to come in possibly infect everyone... And NO MASK.. the mask protects people from your possible infection, not the other way around...

Anyway.. Many times these days I am left feeling there is no sense of decency, common courtesy, treat people like you would like to be treated.. People killing people at an alarming rate..

I should feel blessed right now, having a new grandchild... but what I feel is fear for what her life might be like if things continue to slip. It's like an old TV or movie where things have gotten so bad... escape from NY type... maybe it wasn't sci fi or whatever.. it's almost here.
Concerning the hair salon customer with Covid. Here in the province of Ontario, health regulations demand that Salon customers must show 2 doses of government approved vaccine, ware approved masks while indoors before entry, along with name and address for contact tracing. If the salon fails to abide by the regulations, they me fined and or loose there operating license. There have been several restaurants that have lost their licences for violations.
Like I've been saying way to much lately, you can't fix stupid. In addition, you have all the political idiocy, combined with the pandemic stress pushing normally tolerable people over the edge into the nutso zone. Mike
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