8530 Gloat

RWL: People over the years have asked for that old Anilam manual and nobody had one. Consider scanning it and uploading it.

I'll do it at some point, good idea. The manual has 2 pages of operating instructions and a lot of pages on calibration steps; there is a signature and date on some of these steps, looks like a factory tech used it as a quality check record for whoever bought the unit.

Calstar - Nice Find. I think I was right behind you on this one. I emailed the prior owner that first Sunday morning, and again that night only to hear back that it sold. SB is indeed a machine desert. Glad it went to someone who appreciates it. I still see the add while searching for my own, and just saw this post. Funny that another member here got it. I about fell on the floor when I saw the first $400 price, but at $1000 its still a steal.