Hi! My Name is Yuriy ...

Welcome, Yuriy. You are well known here. I run the Sieg magnetic readers and wireless controller with your Touch Dro app. I love it. Very well designed and coded by you.

Yuriy, I believe you are known and respected world wide. There are hobby machinists in almost every country and most will be aware of your DRO solution. I am a member of your forum also. I was not aware that you work for Amazon and also design and code the DRO in your spare time. You must really love what you do. I purchased the Sieg when my igaging DRO's went belly up after 2 years due to the scales de-laminating and was looking for a better solution. I browsed at The Little Machine shop web site and found Sieg had just released their magnetic scale/readers system. The scales and readers are tiny and perfect for the mini mill and mini lathe. So I purchased that not knowing if the Touch DRO would work with them. I found out later that Sieg had used your app and put their name on it. Your hard work and knowledge deserve to be paid for and I don't believe in stealing property be it intellectual or any other kind. I would be happy when you release an update to pay for it and continue using it on the Sieg system. Thank you for all the work and intellect you have put into the Touch DRO. You are very much appreciated.

Hi Yuriy, I have the basic igaging (not absolute) scales on my x and y and a Mitutoyo quill scale. Will your mixed scales setup work with this or do I have to replace the Mitutoyo (not a big deal)?
Hi Yuriy, I have the basic igaging (not absolute) scales on my x and y and a Mitutoyo quill scale. Will your mixed scales setup work with this or do I have to replace the Mitutoyo (not a big deal)?

Mitutoyo won't work, unfortunately, so you will need to replace it.
SEIG stuck their name on TouchDRO? Oh, that is so 'not right'. . . :cautious:

Yuriy, I believe you are known and respected world wide. There are hobby machinists in almost every country and most will be aware of your DRO solution. I am a member of your forum also. I was not aware that you work for Amazon and also design and code the DRO in your spare time. You must really love what you do. I purchased the Sieg when my igaging DRO's went belly up after 2 years due to the scales de-laminating and was looking for a better solution. I browsed at The Little Machine shop web site and found Sieg had just released their magnetic scale/readers system. The scales and readers are tiny and perfect for the mini mill and mini lathe. So I purchased that not knowing if the Touch DRO would work with them. I found out later that Sieg had used your app and put their name on it. Your hard work and knowledge deserve to be paid for and I don't believe in stealing property be it intellectual or any other kind. I would be happy when you release an update to pay for it and continue using it on the Sieg system. Thank you for all the work and intellect you have put into the Touch DRO. You are very much appreciated.


When I bought my machine I was looking at DRO's (Thanks to Jim Dawson on this site) and couldn't imagine adding that much expense after just buying the machine.
Being able to solder and pseudo-engineer stuff, I had your board up and running in a matter of a couple days. It's made my machine infinitely more enjoyable to use and I don't think I'm into the whole DRO for $100 total.
Seriously, I can't thank you enough.

I'm looking forward to a new release. Not that I even use all the bells of the first one but new releases are exciting.

For anyone that's on the fence. I have Touch DRO on my phone(s) and a dedicated Samsung Tab S. The Tablet is powered up 24/7 and the Yuri board has only disconnected once in almost 3 years.
Inferno, thank you for your kind words. What sort of board/scales did you end up using? I'd be curious to see your setup.
Off-topic: assuming your profile is correct, we are pretty much neighbors. I don't know how many hobby machinists are there in PDX metro area, but once the bubonic plague the pandemic is over, it would be nice to get a few of us together with a few beers and BS about this.
Inferno, thank you for your kind words. What sort of board/scales did you end up using? I'd be curious to see your setup.
Off-topic: assuming your profile is correct, we are pretty much neighbors. I don't know how many hobby machinists are there in PDX metro area, but once the bubonic plague the pandemic is over, it would be nice to get a few of us together with a few beers and BS about this.
Well, I got the board from you, I'm pretty sure. I modified things a tiny bit, as I recall. I had a small issue about 4 months after I got it and my memories of that time are a tiny bit fuzzy.
The scale I used was, basically, this


I don't know if it had a name brand or not. I bought three scales. I ended up breaking the shorter one. It was an easy repair but that's when my "event" happened and the parts got separated so I have to locate it again. It's the scale for the vertical on the mill part.

Kind of went off the rails there.

I can't access the emails from back then, right now, though I know they exist. If I could then I could tell you exactly what I bought from you and what the rails were. Suffice to say, the image above is a great representation.
The other two axis have performed flawlessly except, as I said, the power on hiccup.

I wasn't aware you were local. I don't drink but I'd sit with you while drinking a Pepsi. LOL
You can have beer!