How Cold Is It Where You Are?

To all you guys with warm weather....:you suck: I am so ready to move out this state.

My shop was 20° F so I didn't even bother trying to warm it up with my little woodstove. All my tools were so cold I wore gloves to bri g 'em in the house and place them on my wood burning furnace. Once my hands get cold I am miserable.

A balmy -2 F this morning
Don't like the weather in Connecticut Tom, wait ten minutes it will change. LOL

"Billy G"
Don't like the weather in Connecticut Tom, wait ten minutes it will change. LOL

"Billy G"

Most likely for the worse ! Our snow is moving your way . :wink:
Most likely for the worse ! Our snow is moving your way . :wink:

Yeah, we're being told to brace for a real treat, snow, sleet/freezing rain then plain rain BUT 50°....woo hoo a heat wave, that change Bill spoke of.
5" of snow and about 20 yesterday, up to 39 today and might rain, been a warmer winter so far.
Going into the 40s today , it is currently raining so hard it's unbelievable . One wrecked car so far . :black eye:
Well the cold spell is over. -4C now and freezing rain. About two hours ago went out and flashed up the old circa 1972 Airens snow thrower and cleaned out 10" of snow. We are on the St Lawrence river, so it is always a crap shoot weather wise with large systems. Heavy snow to the NW, mixed stuff here and to the SE, and rain farther to the SE. And it just keeps shifting back and forth.
