M$oft did it again HATE W11

Been working with windows since Win 1.1. While I am not a fan of new GUI changes, I have found over the years that it does not take me very long to get used to the new layouts. I ran Ubuntu many years ago but at the time, was not impressed enough to want to switch. I maintain 6 systems in my household and it is more important to me to keep them all on the same OS version than whether it is Win10 or 11. Of course this is a problem right now because Win11 will not run on even slightly older hardware due to the new security requirements. However, It is not that big of a deal and I will eventually replace the mainboard on that computer anyway.

Everytime I go to the latest Windows or Office I ***** about the changes for a week or a month and then forget about what irritated me in the first place.

I have to use MS products at work, so using anything different at home would mean just one more thing to keep up with.

As far as Spyware built into Google, MS etc, that is just becoming a fact of modern life. Even our cars are sharing data on us. Welcome to 1984 a few decades late.
I use an old laptop for CAD running Win 8.1 and even older one Win 7 for plugging into my car. Neither one requires to be on the net. My real pc is running Ubuntu.
I use an old laptop for CAD running Win 8.1 and even older one Win 7 for plugging into my car. Neither one requires to be on the net. My real pc is running Ubuntu.
I have AutoCad 2000 and 95 on Windows 11 64-bit.
Autocad 95 to 2000 used a 16 bit installer so use a 32-bit installer.

If can find a work around then I use a VB box / Windows XP on my Laptop with Windows 11 .
I use the for Yahtzee from 1996.

Got a new laptop to go camping... Ordered a refurb with W10.


On install, it auto updated to W11 - DANG

ONCE AGAIN M$OFT REDID THE INTERFACE. Its there just in a different layout. Took me forever just to copy and paste a folder.

I am trying to roll back to W10. There is a method if less than 10 days, not working on this laptop.



There i feel better. just do not understand why they keep doing this.
I found it best to let the update install before trying to running on programs.
Windows 11 in settings can change when updates stars. Some updates need up 5 restarts. You see this in settings it will error but different had install first and reboot before the next one can be installed

I have AutoCad 2000 and 95 on Windows 11 64-bit.
Autocad 95 to 2000 used a 16 bit installer so use a 32-bit installer.

If can find a work around then I use a VB box / Windows XP on my Laptop with Windows 11 .
I use the for Yahtzee from 1996.

There is a 32 bit installer available. Which I used to get it on the 64 bit laptops.
Been working with windows since Win 1.1. While I am not a fan of new GUI changes, I have found over the years that it does not take me very long to get used to the new layouts. I ran Ubuntu many years ago but at the time, was not impressed enough to want to switch. I maintain 6 systems in my household and it is more important to me to keep them all on the same OS version than whether it is Win10 or 11. Of course this is a problem right now because Win11 will not run on even slightly older hardware due to the new security requirements. However, It is not that big of a deal and I will eventually replace the mainboard on that computer anyway.

It will run on older hardware. I've installed in on a 14 year old desktop and 10 year old laptop. They are I7 64-bit. You can download the Win11 23H2 ISO from Microsoft. Good Youtube video on installation
automatic updates work but it won't automatically update to the next major release 24H2, you have to do manually when it's available.
Why would anyone in their right mind, want anything to do with that clusterf!"k of a spyware, malware, back-door infested operating system?
I am still running Win 7 on my computers. After a couple of system crashes following updates that required using Restore to correct, I disabled automatic Windows updates. Should I ever have to update to a newer version, I will maintain a separate dedicated computer running Win 7 for my SolidWorks and SprutCAM work.

There is an old saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
I run Windows in VMs so I can isolate it. Things that need internet have to keep updated, but other things don't and I can run old software that doesn't need access. I can even pass GPUs and such through to the VM, so performance is near native.

I've managed to move most of the things I use to Linux though. Just a few things don't play nice and it's better to just let those have a VM. I haven't fired them up in a while, but I even have a couple of Win9x images around. The nice thing about the older ones, they have no network access, so no updates and no need to worry about them.

Still have the work equipment on Win10, but that's company owned, so I have to leave it how they set it. That's fine, I'll just put it on the guest network so it can't mess up anything internal. MS certainly seems to be doing a number on their remaining credibility.