Need Milling Machine Advise

Mount a cheap laser pointer on the mill head with one of the "vertical line" gratings on the front (a few Local Currency Units in a market near you!), mark a spot on a wall several yards away and when you've raised/lowered the head tap it about to re-align the laser line with the mark and clamp up?

Dave H. (the other one)
Wouldn't mounting a leader pointer on the head and marking the table do the same thing.? I was going to had rod with point mounted on one side as long as the spot you start at when raising is the same spot after its raised. As long as you remember to move it up out of the way for cutting. I guess anyway you hold position is what's needed.
Do like some of the new drill presses do. Mount two line style lasers at the rear of the head facing down, so that the lines intersect right where the end mill will touch down.