Pump Oil Can Prints

Right now i am in the middle of buying parts and material. I am looking forward to starting mine.
While helping my brother out recently i discovered he has on original Eagle. Its a nice little oiler.
Very nicely done! I like McMaster-Carr. Huge selection of parts, great descriptions, fast delivery, some things seem rather expensive but considering the service and quality well worth it.
My melt furnace doesn't get hot enough for copper. I need to change to oil. Electric would be better for aluminum.
How do you get the plans to print properly ?
The ones I posted are .pdf. They should open in Adobe and print normally. What program are you using to open them?
the pdf opens in a browser tab.
I tried scaling, but it did not work.
Don't open in the browser. Get the actual Adobe program and use that. It should be free.
Woh, Those are nice. I didn't get it when you posted in my lathe thread that it needed an oil can...........those are really nice and great workmanship.

Thanks Kelly!- I keep an open can and brush on the back of my cross slide. I was just thinking that your new cover would provide a lot of real estate for that. It is very convenient.