Russian/Soviet Straight Edges?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 24, 2020
I've been looking at straight edges online and there are quite a few on eBay from sellers in Ukraine and Moldova selling former USSR stuff that looks decent. The sellers have good feedback, and the items I've looked at seem to have positive comments about them as well. What's not clear is how import duties, taxes and/or brokerage fees might apply. Has anybody bought one of these type things and figured that out?
Nothing on purchases from China, either direct or thru eBay.
I’ve purchased a couple of items from Russia, including a 15mm straight edge and some diodes back when I was rediscovering crystal radios: no customs. However, this was 5+ years ago.

If you search for “import duty” you’ll find several online lists of items & countries along with duty rates.

So far I have purchased from England, Russia, China, India and Canada, all with no duty.
I’ve bought a set of MT2 and 3 reamers and a couple of other supposed RU tools and had not extra duty or problems. They were all of seemingly good quality, but what do I know? They did seem of higher quality than my Chinese and Indian purchases.YMMV.
I think that I'd be more concerned with shipping costs than duties.
There is no easy way to get money in or out of Russia. My girlfriend can't even send her grandmother a birthday present. Ukraine and Moldovia are completely different than Russia. You have a much better chance dealing with someone in either of these two countries.
Indeed, stay away from sellers in Russia.

I’ve had no problems ordering from Ukraine and Moldova. The shipping times have increased due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, i.e. the country is at war.
I've been looking at straight edges online
Just out of curiosity, what are you calling a straight edge?
There aren’t usually import duties to the US.