You Tube ad blockers

strange, when I looked at the post date it looked like over a year ago. I guess, I was ready too fast or above my grade level :rolleyes:

Looks correct now.
I'm running Brave Browser. All I have to do to skip the ads is to open the video in a private window.
Of course many of the YouTube content providers are now building ads into their content, there is no blocker that can filter that out.
I use brave as my browser. Has built in ad block.

YouTube (google) has been cracking down Ad blocking plugins, by intentionally slowly down and making the user experience worse. In the hopes you will remove your ad blocker.
I'll second the Brave browser! It minds it own business as well, not looking to spread all your personal information around the world for profit.
Of course many of the YouTube content providers are now building ads into their content, there is no blocker that can filter that out.
So far only two that I regularly follow do this and in both cases it is very easy to drag the progress slider to skip the in-situ advert without missing any content I want.