What Kind of SCAM is this???


Active User
Apr 8, 2013
As seen on Facebook. A GRIZZLY G0791 for $186.oo???

As seen on Facebook. A GRIZZLY G0791 for $186.oo???

If you order and pay for it, I also have a bridge to sell you...
would be interesting to try...… if you had the money to throw out
For grins, I went just far enough through the purchase procedure to see how much shipping would be. I kid you not, basic is free, but if you’re really, really in a hurry to get it, you can pay $23.49 extra for "USPS Priority Mail Express" for 1 day delivery. What could go wrong?

Boy I sure wish I could get those Express Mail rates on 1500 lbs. :laughing:
It could just be some one who wants attention but lacks creativity so this the best he could come up with.:)
Golly, three have been sold in the last two hours. The website also has a 56" rolling tool cabinet with tool chest for $178. My vote is for scam.
Very first hit googling that website's name below. But no need for that page to tell me it's a scam. The website's name, appearance, & lack of contact/location info anywhere is a dead giveaway. If a vendor's website does not list a legit address & contact info I'll won't consider buying from tem even if they are a legit company.

Websites like that basically collect personal info when someone purchases from them.

you are purchasing a photo of a lathe with a mill photoshopped to it, I'll bet your next paycheck