One-Shot Lube Leak


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
May 3, 2017
There is a nick in one of the lines on my mill's one-shot lube system. It is near the bottom of the second line from the right in the attached photo. Any advice on how to get to access this line? I can see the line going in but have no idea where it's going - can't see that far beneath the table. Please don't tell me I need to remove the table to get to it.


I guess it would help if I added it's a Vectrax. Typical Bridgeport clone.

With the restriction not to tell you that you will have to remove the table in place, you may not get many replies :)
With the restriction not to tell you that you will have to remove the table in place, you may not get many replies :)
Okay, go ahead and tell me I need to remove the table. Now give me specifics. Seems to me:
1. Remove the gib.
2. Remove one end cap.
3. At that point, can I slide the table far enough toward on end, or will I need to literally 'remove' it?

Advice is greatly appreciated.

Splice it .
That's a great idea and one which I would love to do. But the break is just far enough under the table to make it nearly impossible to reach. It's a challenge to even grab it with a pair of needle nose pliers, much less work a splice into it. I'll almost certainly try it first anyway, but I suspect the likelihood is it won't work.

Does ANYBODY have any experience with removing a mill's table? I've never done it, and the last thing I need to do is turn this leak into a really major crash.

Make sutre you have help and something to just SLIDE the table off onto something VERY STURDY!!
Be safe what ever you do!!
Make sutre you have help and something to just SLIDE the table off onto something VERY STURDY!!
Be safe what ever you do!!
Yes, thanks. I get that. I just finished watching the first twelve minutes of that video, which covers table removal. Two things about it: First, it looks pretty straightforward. I'm sure it won't be without challenges once I get into it, but mechanically, it seems like the dots connect pretty logically. Second, I'm not certain that I'll need to completely remove the table anyway. All I need is enough room to access the tubing. With a little more room, I may be able to splice it; and, if not, I may still be able to remove the full length of tubing without total table removal. In either event, I won't try to do that part alone. Most members here are probably not aware of this, but I used to be Superman - that mill table ain't got nothing on a tall building. Sadly, those days are behind me, so I'll have some help available and a surface to slide the table onto, if necessary.

The FIRST thing I need to do is find out where I can purchase the tubing. Anybody know?
