Democrat Chronicle April 4, 1957


Staff member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2014
Going through some old tools from my wife's great uncle. He passed away about 24 years ago. Some of the tools were wrapped in these newspapers. Thought some of you might find this interesting...

"In Today's Sports..."

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"Herb has got the best deals around..."

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"C'mon down and check out our prices on new and used cars!"

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"Time to freshen up that paint job? Fincher's has got you covered!"

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Home Prices in 1957, Rochester, New York.
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That's cool :)
Wow, a paint job for $49. I got some tools from a family friend who had been an engineer at Lockheed durning WWII. There were 3 ARO air die grinders brand new wrapped in news paper from ‘49. Been so long ago I don’t remember what they said. Nowhere as complete a story as those!
Bryan , $49.95 for a complete paint job ? They're the ones that put Earl Schieb out of business ! :big grin:
"Brighton... A Professional Man's Home" - Was a different world. You would NEVER see that on a listing today.
My parents bought a 3b2ba 1500sqft new track house in Fresno for $10.5k in ‘59. Then we moved to Merced in ‘64 and bought brand new 1800sqft 3b2ba for $12.5k. Both low VHA mortgages. Things are totally out of whack with what percentage of income to house cost these days. Just doesn’t make sense.
My parents bought a 3b2ba 1500sqft new track house in Fresno for $10.5k in ‘59. Then we moved to Merced in ‘64 and bought brand new 1800sqft 3b2ba for $12.5k. Both low VHA mortgages. Things are totally out of whack with what percentage of income to house cost these days. Just doesn’t make sense.

I have a buddy in Seattle looking to buy a house at the same time as I am. A $2000 sqft 3b2b would cost just shy of $1M. He might make a bit more than I do in that area, but there is no comparison in the income/home cost ratio. He has an excellent job and there is no way he can afford to buy - just insane.
I never expected to be so long in the tooth as to be one of those old dudes saying” I remember when this was this much”. But it’s like the book 1984 and there is just no memory of a time when GDP and wages and housing were all moving in step and then in ‘72 everything decoupled. Only a percentage of us were paying attention and most of us are either dropping like flies or losing our memory to Alzheimer’s.