We have come a long way - skills are improving.


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
Do you ever just stop and think about the progress we’ve made?
Looking back at older posts, some of the more talented members have always been amazing, but there are others that have really improved.

Do you ever just stop and look around? Wow, I wonder how much money I have in here

This morning I made a simple part, it wasn’t very long ago where something like this would have been challenging.
Don’t misunderstand, I’m a genuine hack but I’m improving all the time.
Turning a piece of bar into a useable part is very enjoyable for me. I’m sure many of you know the feeling.

We are off to visit our grandchildren this morning. Things are looking up.


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I am the genuine master hacker here, so don't try to squeeze in on my action :grin: The gurus continue to amaze me with their tolerance, patients, and teaching. You are correct, we have made notable progress, the big dogs here are doing a good job. Your project came out great:encourage:
I’m a strong candidate for top hack.
The simple state of my shop should be proof enough!

Nice work Jeff!

I continue to be amazed by the generosity of all our members, sharing of time, experience, knowledge and tools.
Thanks all!
I know just what you are saying Jeff. You and me started here within about a years time, and I can easily do things in my shop now that I wouldn't even have had a clue about a few years ago.
Yeah, my next two quests are the U2 Shars grinder and my 10” rotary table.
I’ve seen some remarkable work by machinists using these tools.
I struggle when I have to use my brain, but the rewards are best when I accomplish something sweet.
The end mill was before I touched it up. You’ll have to trust me, it came out really well. I used the end mill 5C rig on the Universal grinder.


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Ditto, Jeff - and the rest of the respondents.

And special thanks on behalf of all us hacks to the many seasoned veterans who share their knowledge, advice, wise counsel and friendliness to the rest of us. We're better people because of you. Thank you.

Ditto, Jeff - and the rest of the respondents.

And special thanks on behalf of all us hacks to the many seasoned veterans who share their knowledge, advice, wise counsel and friendliness to the rest of us. We're better people because of you. Thank you.

Well said tjb
I look at this hobby as a journey. We all start at the same place and the guys who seem to know more are just further along the road, that's all. They have learned the lessons and made the same mistakes we are making; they just made those mistakes and learned those lessons before we came along. Fortunately for us, many of those advanced guys are willing to share those lessons so that we can avoid some of the mistakes we otherwise would have made, and that gets us down the road a little faster.

What I like about HM is that our seasoned guys are typically gentle with us less knowledgeable ones. Those that are arrogant or condescending don't last long here.

It is also clear that while a hobby guy may be new or newish, he may also be an expert in his own field outside of this hobby. I've seen pilots, molecular geneticists, electrical and mechanical engineers, doctors, lawyers and folks from many other fields that are truly experts here on HM; this has taught me that arrogance has no place here.

So yes, Jeff, we're making progress. We're all making progress and we're all learning. Pretty cool!
Hacks ? Psssssssssssssssssst . You've never seen true hacks . :rolleyes: Come on into work with me one night . :eek 2:

I'm following along closely with all and wish you all were available for employment . Like I said , you are amatuer hacks , we have some real journeyman hacks on hand at work ! :grin: