Our Educational System-Science


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
I am amazed at the amount of people who don't know 4th grade science.
I'm a Youtube surfer. I have many interests that can usually be in two or three categories,
History, anything mechanical and science and wonder.

Jay Leno went to a popular tourist area in Los Angeles. This was back when he had his show. California had just come in last place for testing results.

The questions went like this,
What is the boiling point of water at sea level?
What holds the planets in place in our galaxy?
What is the speed of light?
What covers 2/3 of earths surface?
What is the largest organ on the human body?

I can proudly say I knew all the answers to these questions except the largest organ.

I then asked some of the employees here at work. The techs and the parts guys knew most of the answers. The sales staff did not do well.
Then I asked myself why. Why do I know these answers and others do not?
Is it because I had a better education in elementary school? is it because I've always been in awe over science and space?
My adult sons did not do well, I'm embarrassed to say. My wife knew one of the answers??

I have a hunch many of you know these answers too.
I am amazed at the amount of people who don't know 4th grade science.
I'm a Youtube surfer. I have many interests that can usually be in two or three categories,
History, anything mechanical and science and wonder.

Jay Leno went to a popular tourist area in Los Angeles. This was back when he had his show. California had just come in last place for testing results.

The questions went like this,
What is the boiling point of water at sea level?
What holds the planets in place in our galaxy?
What is the speed of light?
What covers 2/3 of earths surface?
What is the largest organ on the human body?

I can proudly say I knew all the answers to these questions except the largest organ.

I then asked some of the employees here at work. The techs and the parts guys knew most of the answers. The sales staff did not do well.
Then I asked myself why. Why do I know these answers and others do not?
Is it because I had a better education in elementary school? is it because I've always been in awe over science and space?
My adult sons did not do well, I'm embarrassed to say. My wife knew one of the answers??

I have a hunch many of you know these answers too.
I learned none of those at school. I'm in 7th grade. all from books, I read about science. I was taught 5 ways to multiply on paper!!! why??? I was told paper doesn't have a thickness so I measured it :grin: 0.0033 of an inch thick. my teacher agreed with me but not the test.
I think some people are predisposed to be curious Jeff. Whether that be about the world around them or some subject in particular.
I've been a self-proclaimed nerd since I was in elementary school and read the Encyclopedia Britannica from A-Z. I'm still an information sponge.
Others I've known are not the same way, and are reluctant learners.
I think some people are predisposed to be curious Jeff. Whether that be about the world around them or some subject in particular.
I've been a self-proclaimed nerd since I was in elementary school and read the Encyclopedia Britannica from A-Z. I'm still an information sponge.
Others I've known are not the same way, and are reluctant learners.
people called me a, know it all so I learned to keep my mouth shut in school. the best response it said was,¨i wanted to see what would happen if I did the complete opposite of you¨. Harold from the red-green show taught me that one. they stopped talking about me. guess I am a nerd then. just like harold :grin:
Some people love learning, many do not.
Some people question things, many just want to blindly accept anything they are told.
some people believe they know everything and refuse to accept they dont, some people know how little they actually know and are always trying to learn more.
Politicians fall into that previous category and thus suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect.
Nerd is a term applied to intelligent people by dumb asses and therefore holds no derogatory connotations.
Some people love learning, many do not.
Some people question things, many just want to blindly accept anything they are told.
some people believe they know everything and refuse to accept they dont, some people know how little they actually know and are always trying to learn more.
Politicians fall into that previous category and thus suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect.
Nerd is a term applied to intelligent people by dumb asses and therefore holds no derogatory connotations.
I had to argue with substitute teachers so they wouldn't say wrong facts. they looked in the textbook and I was right. then she tried to say that you can compress water by squeezing a water bottle. I proved them wrong and then they said nuclear fission doesn't happen on earth. fun fact it does in the earth's core and one place in Africa. don't take it that I'm bragging but most teachers are right.
In defense of the California school system, I feel as though my education in the sixties and early 70's was pretty darn good for public schools.
Somewhere along the line it started to falter.
My wife was a teacher in California until her retirement a few years ago. According to her, border states suffered low test results partially due to a language barrier. I won't get into the political side of the subject :)
My boys both agreed, Dad, you are just strange. My oldest said, school wasn't exactly a place I paid much attention. He's the one that made $194,000 last year.
I think the internet has made us smarter, and others dumber. I never realized how many folks out there believe is such crazy ideas until recently. Whole crowds that think the earth is flat, gravity is fake, Covid is fake, And so on. I know I have garnered a lot from my readings, Youtube, and forums like this. But like life in general, one needs to take it all with a bit if skepticism until they can decide what is right and what is wrong.
half my class dropped out of german class due to a bad teacher. due at 1:45 pm. 7 days I was sick or at doctors or dentist. my grade was a 25 for missing 7 assignments. now she failed the whole class.
In defense of the California school system, I feel as though my education in the sixties and early 70's was pretty darn good for public schools.
Somewhere along the line it started to falter.
My wife was a teacher in California until her retirement a few years ago. According to her, border states suffered low test results partially due to a language barrier. I won't get into the political side of the subject :)
My boys both agreed, Dad, you are just strange. My oldest said, school wasn't exactly a place I paid much attention. He's the one that made $194,000 last year.
I got a 97% on the state test in 3rd grade and my friends got a 99% and a 95%. we messed around in that class because we knew all of it. pay attention for 1 day and know everything for the week. now they go over everything in 10 minutes. I know a school where a kid spoke a different langue and gave her an 85% because no one could understand what she was saying.
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