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Nice grabs. Im in the middle of working a time out for picking up a Kennedy 273x bottom for 125$
Well, small world Wachuko, I have been following you on the 912BBS and just saw your name pop up!:aok::cool:
I should have waited... this arrived just now. I want to make one when the lathe arrives (no, I have not ordered the lathe...waiting on the CFO to give her go-ahead), but I also wanted to have one now... and this one looked amazing.

The knobs are for the milling machine. I got the motors with shafts on both ends.

If I had a lathe, I could have made them myself (Do you hear that honey!!?? :D )


I want a knurling tool... can't wait to start playing with stuff like that...
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If I had a lathe, I could have made them myself (Do you hear that honey!!?? :D )
Force is strong with this one - already delusional :p

Nice hammer, by the way. Not that I need one, since I did make my own, but how much was the hammer?

Those kind of knobs are easy to make on a lathe, and to knurl. Just adding fuel to the fire :grin: