Weird things you see walking down the street


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
So I'm at my computer just looking at HM and look out the window. Blinked a couple of times, because it's not everyday you see a Boston Dynamics 4 legged robot dog with a pan-tilt "inspection" head strolling on the sidewalk. My wife was outside and saw it too. Amazing thing. Walks like a real 4 legged animal. I went to the bostondynamics website and saw they were for sale now. A cool $104K will get you one just like it. Sorry, no pictures. I had left my phone in the bedroom but couldn't remember where it was in the heat of the moment. Darn CRS!

It's "owner" was walking about 4-5 feet behind it, probably testing it.

What weird things have you seen going down the street?
But have you seen them dance?

Spot (the dog) appears a minute in. Boston Dynamics were owned by Google for a time... I suspect somebody pointed out that they were sailing somewhat too close to Skynet!

If anything weird happens round here it's usually me behind it! I did once see a guy roll a MK2 escort shell down the road on a bread trolley, though.
Nothing so sci-fi, just the daily parade of meth heads, junkies, transients, thieves, hookers, and dealers who use my front yard like their personal trash can... I guess that's life living between a shelter, two soup kitchens, a park, the courthouse, and the community resource center...
Nothing so sci-fi, just the daily parade of meth heads, junkies, transients, thieves, hookers, and dealers who use my front yard like their personal trash can... I guess that's life living between a shelter, two soup kitchens, a park, the courthouse, and the community resource center...
We have to pick up a lot of stuff from our yard. People seem to think it's ok to just make a "deposit" and leave. Don't understand that kind of thinking.
But have you seen them dance?

Spot (the dog) appears a minute in. Boston Dynamics were owned by Google for a time... I suspect somebody pointed out that they were sailing somewhat too close to Skynet!

If anything weird happens round here it's usually me behind it! I did once see a guy roll a MK2 escort shell down the road on a bread trolley, though.
Boston Dynamics was recently purchased by Hyundai.

Spot did do a little sort of dance step when proceeding down the street, but nothing like the videos. Spot was sporting an inspection head, so maybe it's dynamics are more limited. Wouldn't want to lose his head, would he?
Wait until it is running at 60 mph and carrying a weapon.
Personally, I hope to never to experience that. As a war fighting machine, (on our side) somewhere else, maybe.
Potential for misuse is very great, especially coupled with AI.
Wasn’t walking down the street, but was in my office and saw movement and looked up to see this big female red tail hawk sitting on my fence. I couldn’t get her look at me and snap a pic. The couple of times she looked talk about a piercing stare!
We have several generations of these red tails that have their offspring high in the eucalyptus around here. Being on the edge of a 22,000ac park that is basically wild we see lots of wildlife. Had a bald eagle down on the bay too.