Knurling Help


H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2013
I am using a diametral pitch convex knurl on SS barstock that is 1" diameter. I am getting double or triple tracking. I assume I need to take off material? In what increments should I take down the radius/diameter? Is there an OD that would be expected to track correctly with a coarse DP knurling wheel?
I'm not sure that Stainless is a good material to learn to knurl on. It work hardens as you work it, may never take a "good " knurl.

On 1018, just keep knurling deeper until it 'meshes.'
I have successfully knurled 304 SS at 1/2" and 5/8" OD with this setup. I need a larger diameter. I could try cranking down on the tool but I have seen the pros take a light pass to see if it tracks, then crank down.
My practice in knurling is to start the knurl at perhaps half the width of the tool and crank down quite hard; once I see a good track, I back off and start travel then subsequent passes until the job is done; this nearly always works for me. Mostly I use a scissors type tool. For the convex knurls I use a form tool to prepare for the knurl and crank in hard with a single knurl tool.
That LMS calculator could be helpful. That is very interesting if you think about the math. Basically you want the number of lines per inch to come out to an integer at the diameter you are using. So you figure out how many lines will fit your circumference, then drop the decimals to get the closest smaller integer, then reverse calculate the necessary diameter. Simple.
I am not sure I follow this "start the knurl at perhaps half the width of the tool ." John, I know you have a lot of experience so please elaborate on this.
I use a scissor type tool with a 14 LPI wheel.
I finally got this to work through trial and error. I took a little off the OD and then it tracked fine. Not even sure how much I took off!

What I meant was that I start the knurl with about 1/2 of its width hanging out over the end of the workpiece, this allows more pressure to be exerted to start the knurl without double tracking, starting with light pressure invites multi tracking. Works for me, anyway.