A Rare Snow Day


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 28, 2011
First time since 2014 that the plant has been closed due to snow! Not a ton of snow but the visibility was zero for a while. Plant closed and stay home. Neighbor is using my old 1980 Toro snowblower and loving it!
Did clear out his driveway while he tackled the elderly lady across the street. I also did the leavings on the driveway across from me between 6-7:30 this morning and now just came in after moving a small 3” since then. Now we are waiting for the high winds to move the snow all around!

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How close are you to Toronto ? :)
The Toronto is about 55 miles northwest from me. Been years since we closed the plant due to weather.
I have never worked at a plant that closed for any kind of weather. I also have never missed a day of work due to weather. I still keep hoping for a day off though.
I have never worked at a plant that closed for any kind of weather.

In the 1970's I was working in Northwest Ohio, (north of Fremont) winter, snowing hard. I drove within a mile of home before being bogged down. walked the last mile, (at midnight, in the country, no lights) The night shift stayed there three days, people brought them food on snowmobiles. I was glad I made it home.
We had a decent (1") amount of snow last night. Haven't seen any accumulation in years here. I hate snow.
Got dumped on here also, as is normal for me the franken blower didn't make it to the snow. luckely I have a small toro that I had for repair which was not picked up so I tested it.

Loaded anyone need some
Heard from the son in Toronto , they got some of the white stuff also . :encourage: