100 gallon stainless open top round tank

Maybe even just add it to your metal stock pile for future use.
Still for shine...,or put a grate on the bottom, and it's a steamer. I agree on discarding SS. I could check on shipping....

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Hey , thanks a ton Mike for posting the pics . This thing is just too good to let it get to the dumpster . I'll think of a use for it and won't let them scrap it out , and it is 300 series ss . I tore this out last night and it's getting replaced by a Homey Repot plastic tub ! Someone's idea of improvement . That would make one heck of a crab steamer now that you mention it .
:big grin:
No problem :encourage: If you need to let it go, let me know.
Now what in the heck would ya use it for ?
Fermenter +1. Easy to clean and already has the base drain. Side drain would have been a plus but not a nightmare. I take it this thing is not food-safe though?