19 Automotive magazines being shut down


Dan, Retired old fart
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jul 5, 2014
Sad day, but with the internet I've not bought a car mag in years. The $8 price tag is just too much. I grew up learning about cars reading magazines.

I loved the pics of "TV" Tommy Ivo doing a 4 wheel burnout with the 4 Buick nail head engines. Seeing Don Garlits with his new rear engine dragster. Seeing Sox and Martin do battle with "Dandy" Dick Landy, Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins, "Dyno" Don Nicholson. The snake and mongoose battle was fun to read about. Loved Roland Leong in his funny car. Reading about how Art Arfons got his jet engine for his car. Loved "Cha Cha" ;)

So many memories for me. I don't think I'd be a car guy without those magazines.

This doesn't surprise me one bit , they're following the way of printed newspapers . Who reads them other than the older generation ? I left Tribune Publishing 2 years ago because the writing was on the wall . 4 $20 million dollar presses sitting idle , no circulation , no ad revenue . It's sad but that's technology these days .
You, and I are of the same car generation, I had a whole wall in my room with centerfolds from Hot Rod magazine(I was sneaking looks at the other ones too though). I can't say that I have been supporting them though, except at the airport, it is sad.
This is particularly disturbing. The world is going digital with its solid state electronics. It's only a matter of time and
Machinist's Workshop will be no longer available in paper! It doesn't pay to worry over stuff over which has no control but

we will be thrown back into the stone age if we have an EMP or a huge coronal mass ejection.:blowup:
Like Red Green would say: We are all in this together. We all promote the digital world every time we
purchase anything electronic be it computer or digital readout or digital camera etc. Dang! I just bought a digital camera...

On the lighter side,

Here's a saying my grandmother used to say: Cheer up, things could be worse, so I cheered up and sure enough,
things got worse. :guilty:

I think today is a good day to have a good day...............Have a good day!
The article is of course US centric, I wonder if the same is true in EU/UK? They have a huge selection to choose from. Perhaps it is that their cars are more interesting.
It is interesting that as the car magazine section dwindles I have seen more if the high-end, thick paper, magazines show up. Or I am just now able to see what was buried behind all of the crappy magazines.
I some cases the content is surviving. It's just moving to a digital format. That is reassuring. When you think about your ability to search for information so easily on a computer you actually have MORE access to the information than if you owned all the printed material.
I am a little more concerned about the news media. Why read the NYT or other major news organization when you can get your information from Facebook?
I am a little more concerned about the news media. Why read the NYT or other major news organization when you can get your information from Facebook?

That's like asking why read a newspaper when you can get your information from TV! :)

Digitization of all media has been accelerated by the widespread adoption of smartphones. Unfortunately this is also youth-driven, meaning the people abandoning print (/CD/DVD/whatever) have not experienced the loss of content when the software to read a file format is no longer available, or the server hosting the content has gone down.

Speaking of, have you guys been keeping track of how few manufacturers are still making dvd/blu-ray players? Bad news all around.