5-inch Parallels For 5-inch Mill Vise?


Active User
Aug 2, 2011
Does anyone know if 5-inch parallels are available for a 5-inch mill vise? I can find 3-, 4- and 6-inch sets, but nothing in 5-inch.

I have an RF-31 mill and need a new vise, but it seems a 6-inch is just a little too big for the mill and a 5-inch would work better.

What kind of vise do you recommend for the RF-31.

I have an RF-30 clone and use a 5" Enco vise (Kurt clone). I've tried a 6" vise, and it's definitely too large. A friend of mine likes a 4" vise on his.

As for parallels, I have a 6" set I got from HF, and they work fine. At worst, I have to plan ahead a bit and be sure the end that sticks out isn't where I want to cut.
I know a few people have successfully cut parallels with a cut off wheel. Which I guess would work if you don't need both ends square.
I find the most important dimensions of a parallel are its height. if it's taller than the vise its of no use. I use pieces of 1 by 1/2 by 6 flat ground O1 steel. I've had them since the early 1970s, they're good enough for me. Every now and then I run a stone over them to remove any burrs that have snuck in without my permission . I'm not making watches or Airplane motors so perfection isn't necessary.

My PM25 gets along well with it's 4 inch Chinese vise (once I flattened the bottom and squared it up. I can't imagine the RF 30 needs much more vise than that.
I've got a 5" Glacern vise and two sets of parallels: one 6" set and one 4" set. I usually use the 6" set, but once in a while I need to have a shorter one and the 4" set comes in handy then.
What was said by everyone. 6" would be good. I'd rather be over long than short. The home shop has a 5" kurt clone (POS) and a real 4" Kurt. 6" parallels are the norm with no problems so far. As mentioned the ones over the vice jaws are useless (with the vice). I have more problems at work with the 8" vice and the 6" set isn't tall enough for thin work. Height more than length. It's a good excuse to buy an import set and grind them off if needed. I have a set and they are still 6" long BG,

I'd go with Terry the 4" and 6" makes sense. If your not short on money. More stuff is always better.
I have a 5" Kurt that has 6" jaws in it to give me the best of both worlds (weight of the 5" but the capacity of 6" jaws) and this allows me to use 6" parallels.
Everyone, thanks for the suggestions. I just discovered that H&H Industrial Products, Inc. -- www.hhip.com -- does indeed sell 5-inch parallels.

Question for wrmiller19: Do the 5" Kurt jaws have the same bolt spacing as the 6" jaws, or do you have to redrill them?