A bit of nostalgia


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Aug 22, 2012
I'm watching this
As a young child of around 9 or 10 I used to pay threepence to catch the 116 bus from Bedfont to Hounslow regal cinema for the saturday morning matinee.
I think it was sixpence entry for a serial and a bunch of cartoons.
I was addicted to this serial and thought it was really cool.
The appalling acting and effects looked fantastic in those far off days.
I soon twigged he used a small trampoline to launch.
Stupid I know but its bringing back a ton of memories from those days.
I remember them as afternoon after school TV programs.
just watched a few, pretty cool. Sure are a lot of fist fights.
I like the cars with the suicide doors.
TV in the UK was just becoming wide spread then but kids programs were still pretty lame, nothing like the above.
I was 17 before my parents got a tv.
Amazing that a system that was heralded as the great educator has deteriorated to what we have today.
Loved the series. I thought that the movie that came out in the 1990’s, was based on it… The Rocketeer

But reading the history on it, it was not.

Thank you for the link. Looks like I will be bench watching it!
another one for you, I dont think this was ever released in the uk
Yeah suicide doors.
when I was real young we had a ‘48 DeSoto with rear suicide doors that would occasionally fly open when we rounded a corner.
And as I was the one in the rear seat who had shut the door, I would be in big trouble.
another one for you, I dont think this was ever released in the uk
The Green Hornet was a full cast radio serial first, just like the Lone Ranger and Dick Barton. No, I'm not that old, I was just a weird kid with access to Bay area AM stations.
The Shadow knows,,,, my dad did not like Red Skelton until he saw him on TV. As a kid he waited what seemed like forever for the new series that was being advertised. He thought that there was a new suspense thriller show "The Red Skeleton", he was very disappointed. :rolleyes: