A Bridgeport I want badly


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 14, 2020
So some older gentlemen stopped by today and invited me over to look at his shop.....I followed him over to his shop.
He has a Bridgeport I really really want. 20231002_120632.jpg20231002_120639.jpg20231002_122015.jpg20231002_122022.jpg
gotta admit, I'm having a hard time picturing what that would be used for....not the typical piece of equipment you think about when someone says "bridgeport"

My inexperienced eye wants to tell me it's some kind of press/brake, but that can't be what it is.....
Well it is a Bridgeport at least :)

Looks like some kind of true trace copy, but I can't see where the work would go..
For me, the pictures came nowhere near close to saying a thousand words :grin:. What the heck is it?
I see a big round table under there- is this some sort of horizontal broachy thing?
60 inch table vertical boring mill.
Covered with cardboard pop boxes...I don't know.
The shop is full of equipment, obviously old stuff. I am going back with more memory on my phone.
I also saw a Milwaukee vertical mill he said was from the twenties, a W&S AC no.1 and a no.2. W&S turret lathes #5 and #2 a third I don't remember. Cincinnati horizontal mill, a forgot name production mill.
An Bridgeport M head mill a Lagun BP copy with scales. Cincinnati Gang drill, several Delta drill presses, 2 turret drill presses.
Several surface grinders, 36 inch Blanchard grinder, R.D Tool cutter grinder.
Horizontal saw with indeed outfield tables.
A big beautiful restored AC bull dozer,
He said it was for sale. He wants to sell stuff and offered to sell me the whole thing.
I am going to visit him again tomorrow and see if he feels the same way and how he would like to proceed.
Very interesting Great White I think your spot on from what I read that would make it pre 1929.
It's basically a vertical lathe with two tool heads.

I've spent many hours running similar machines... they weren't quite that old.

Cool find... I'm not sure what I would do with it if I had it, but that's never stopped me before...

Do it before it ends up in a machinery death camp in Euclid or Monclova!