A good reason for wearing earcuffs

Marco Bernardini

Active User
Dec 17, 2012
This morning I was spelunking again under my deck (see here), with a pallet leaning over a couple of mineral water crates as a sunshade, when I had some visitors.
The first was a curious baby bird, probably a robin, who came to eat some crumbs, and it was nice to see him from below.
The second was a non-described Coleoptera, who decided my left ear sticking out over the deck worth a visit.
When you are confined into a space not wide enough to turn your shoulders, the hole above your head is 10" wide and your arms are stuck under the deck this is not the best experience you can think of.
Wifey had to use a stick of wild oat to get rid of the intruder without to smash it inside my ear, so this afternoon I sent her to check all the hardware shops of the surrounds to buy the wider earcuffs she can find!
I picture a hat with flaps over your ears and neck, Am I close?