A sigh of relief


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 22, 2012
Not all that long ago I replaced the headstock bearings in my flexi 9x20.All was well with the world. Or so I thought.
The extreme vibration from all the milling I did the other day seemed to cause a problem.
With nothing in the chuck the noise was getting louder and louder with a horrible harmonic type of vibration.
Dont tell me the new bearings have crapped out already was my main thought.
It took a few mins before I found the culprit, the screw holding the toothed pulley to the shaft had unscrewed.
I assume from the vibration and the pully was banging back and forth along the shaft.
A quick tighten, turn on and a huge sigh of relief was had by all.
Just something else to keep an eye on with this lathe, (and probably not just mine).
At least it was a simple fix. What did you put on it to keep it from doing that again?
Loctight, medium strength so it can be unscrewed when needed.
I can't believe how timely this thread is savarin as my 9x20 has been more noisy than usual after a particularly difficult parting.

Thanks for posting. I always hesitate posting my things like this but you never know who will benefit. And most likely it will be some lurker/unregistered who finds this tip.
My lathe's crossfeed handle ALWAYS works itself loose. I'm 80% of the way to saying F it and hitting it with some loctite green.