Airplane propeller balancer


Mechanical Hacker
Mar 14, 2013
I'm preparing to do some rework on an airplane propeller but need a way to balance it, the balancer I had was for a different hub size, so I had to make a new one.




No, I didn't make the little tripod base thing just for this, that would have been way too much unnecessary machining... it was a part for a machine I designed some years ago that got redesigned, but I couldn't bear to throw it away, knew it'd come in useful some day... and it did!.
Neat balancer btw. I buy c.f. props and assume they are factory balanced.
Neat balancer btw. I buy c.f. props and assume they are factory balanced.

It was balanced when I bought it, but I need to rework it to reduce the pitch a little so it will need to be rebalanced after that.
Oh jeeze, big prop. I use 28" - 33" props for model airplanes.
I have yet to buy any prop at any price that did not need a bit of balancing. Some were real close, probably good enough, but not perfect.

Pretty much anything that spins I will balance.
I build balsa props, 6" to 17" , then also about 10" to 24" with a hardwood hub and hinges to fold back when power goes off. My boss tells me I've made over 2,000 in the past four years. I don't finish them just machine to pitch, buyer forms the airfoil. and finishes them. I attempt to balance them, but since they're not finished It's a waste of my time.
I have yet to buy any prop at any price that did not need a bit of balancing. Some were real close, probably good enough, but not perfect.

Pretty much anything that spins I will balance.

I stick a Falcon/Mejzlic prop on and go fly. I know you are correct though.
I used to check the balance on R/C props back in the day, my old Du-Bro prop balancer is probably in a drawer somewhere, but I don't recall them being out much. When I was flying paramotors balancing was a must, we were constantly sanding dings out and if they weren't perfect the vibration would lead to cracks in the exhaust.

In this case rebalancing will be a must as I'm going to take a significant amount of material off while repitching it, then it will need revarnishing. I'm trying to pick up another 100 rpm to improve my climb performance, hoping get at least the same performance I had with the metal propeller, which I wanted to remove for several reasons.