All projects on hold!


Mar 24, 2011
Hi All,

Thanksgiving weekend in Canada and it was crunch time for me!!
The bench i built for the Myford is a piece of garbage...
It is okay for a smaller lathe but the Myford is too much for it!

I have been given the go ahead by SWMBO to expand!!!!! :)

The expansion will gain me 28 feet of space!
The mirrors are coming down and i have been fixing leaks in the walls.
Inside and out!! Lots of deep hole digging and patching outside...
But it is done, just waiting for everything to set.

This is what it looks like now!

I will have to frame the wall and put up drywall but that is later.
Want to make sure we have no leaks when the snow melts!

For now i need to figure out the bench for the Myford.
Either wooden or steel construction?
A friend has offered his welding skills and MIG welder if i need it.
He is a professional welder so i may go that route.
Not sure yet!!


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I'd go with the metal bench (that's what I built for my little 9x20)