Almost lost everything I own today

If there are any abandoned houses or sheds in the neighborhood that will be the next thing to go up when the kids start playing with matches and riding around on their bikes looking for mischief
Let's hope they don't start a big grass fire
You know, "sometimes" the opposite tact works. One time we came home and there was a neighbor kid standing next to our backyard pond. Instead of yelling at him, I quietly asked where he lived, then said that he can come visit the pond anytime he wants, as long as we're home. "Maybe", if you invite the kid over to see what you're doing in your shop, it could defuse the entire situation.

I wish I had something positive to say. Some helpful hint. But I don't. I have the same problem with some neighbor kids and parents (no examples as bad as yours) and I still haven't figured out how to deal with it.

The 13 y/o boy I have video of him prowling around my property on multiple occasions. He didn't take or damage anything, but he didn't look like he was there to clean up or fix anything either. It was kinda weird, maybe he was just bored? The conspiracy theorist in me says he was casing the place.

The 8 y/o boy has thrown rocks at my shop, chipping the paint, and thrown rocks at my cameras, and sprayed my cameras with a can of superlube I left sitting by the door. My inner conspiracy theorist tells me that he did this at the direction of his older brother after I presented video evidence of his trespassing, although the the events were far separated on the timeline. He probably thought I was inside and was just escalating his attempts to get my attention. He's obviously starved for attention and intrigued by what I do in there. If I don't lock the door he'll walk right in and start asking 1000 questions and moving levers on my machines, pushing buttons, walking across metal chips in bare feet, etc. Usually I can get him to leave by handing him a broom and telling him he can stay if he does something useful. He knows I have a video surveillance monitor in there and I can see if someone is outside.

These kids live with their grandparents as their father is in prison and the mother is prowling the streets of Houston selling herself to fund her vices. The grandparents don't have the vigor (and/or, I think, the interest) to control 4 feral kids. Well, 3 are feral. The oldest, 15 y/o girl is the only responsible parent in the house. When I confronted the grandparents about the 8y/o tampering with my cameras, the oldest girl was the one who immediately scolded him on the spot. All I got from the grandparents was a half-hearted apology and a feigned promise to "do something about it." Same response I got each of 3 times their dog got out and killed several of my chickens.

The other kid I have trouble with is actually my nephew. My sister lives down the street from me and she is 100% sold on this "new style" of parenting. Ask the child nicely not to do bad things, try to reason with someone who has an undeveloped capacity for reasoning, explain to them why they shouldn't dig holes in other people's years and throw mud at their windows, and expect that they'll feel remorse and be hesitant to do do it again, ignoring the 18,000 times that didn't work in the past. No less than a dozen times He's taken the keys to their golf cart and rutted up my yard.

There is no way (that I've found) to deal with these people. They either don't care (like my neighbors) or they do care but they're true believers in NOT doing anything (or not doing anything effective) about the problem (like my sister). There is absolutely nothing to be done about the second group. You can't dissuade a true believer and you can't criticize someone's parenting style without doing more harm than good. Combine those two things into one issue and it's unsolvable. I'm 100% convinced of this.

The first group (people who don't care), well, they don't care. You could help them to care by getting the law involved, but that's more likely to just make them hate you and do everything in their power to pass you off. In my experience, the people who don't care are the low quality human specimens who would devote more energy to irritating you than they would to fixing their own glaring deficiencies.

So, unless someone here has better advice, all I can offer is my own coping mechanism, install cameras for the worst case, and then bury your head in the sand hoping for the best case. Maybe talk to the kids, not in a scolding manner, but as a friend, as an example figure. Try to get them to look up to you. You shouldn't have to do this, but maybe try being a supplemental friend/parent figure whose approval they seek out. They would be less likely to cross if you that way. It's a suboptimal suggestion but it's the best I've come with after years of pondering.
unfortunately we can't make people care about what we care about.
the parents of the lil duo had bad parents too, i'll bet $50.

locked gates and 8ft fences make for good neighbors.
a menacing breed of dog will keep all but the stupidest from entering your property
(don't put up a beware of dog sign, if the dog bites, your knew the dog was a liability- no sign= plausible deniability ;))
OK, the issue is boundaries. I have an ex sister-in-law story that I cannot go into. It is at least five years long. However, I called it from the beginning with her - trouble was dripping off from her. Here is what I did EARLY on, in the protest of my other in-laws despite their protests and appeal to me to be "nice" and not to "jump to conclusions".

The FIRST time she did something that either was criminal or borderline criminal: violence, theft, lying. I clearly stated what MY boundaries were with her. 1) Not allowed to be in house, 2) Not allowed to be around my kids alone, 3) No, don't ask to get together.

For about three years, I was the villain. I patiently waited for her to systematically violate everybody in the family. She got us once, around year two or three and I had set the boundary. I then watched her violate the rest of family for a few more years before they finally wised up, never setting any boundaries.

Tell the kids and your neighbors in as plain language as possible the following: there is NO trespassing on my property. Anything that looks like criminal activity WILL get reported to the authorities and tell them who you are going to call. Then when it happens, make good on your promise. You have to do this or they will keep doing it. They don't know what boundaries are, having never learned them. You are doing them a favor.
Sorry for your troubles.

Absolutely contact the authorities and get the incident on record while there is some evidence to be seen.

You were lucky this time. Consult an attorney. The situation is very possibly going to continue escalate.
Tell the kids and your neighbors in as plain language as possible the following: there is NO trespassing on my property. Anything that looks like criminal activity WILL get reported to the authorities and tell them who you are going to call. Then when it happens, make good on your promise. You have to do this or they will keep doing it. They don't know what boundaries are, having never learned them. You are doing them a favor.
If you don't follow through, you become a joke.
Unfortunately, some people have to feel if they won't listen.
I think we are in a no win situation. Damned if we do, damned is we don't. We are thinking of splittng off our hose with a t fitting and just leaving it by the side of my shop. Wife had to unwind the hose from the new hose minder she just bought. Took time to do that. I'm glad it was her that saw it, after my stroke I can't move that fast anymore and the outcome could have been much different. The guy repairs ATV's, snowmobiles, watercraft, and boat motors and I'm sure he has flammables in the little garage.

There was one abandoned house on the street, but it was torn down and a new is being built for the last year or so in it's place. The poor old guy comes everyday hoping someone will show up to work on it. I feel bad for him. Sits in his pickup and waits.

Thankfully there are no open fields near us. But there is a vacation home across the street. The owners come every summer, except last summer because f the pandemic. Hopefully they come this year. I have seen the kids over there before. And somehow "magically" their fence got hit hard by a car I'm assuming. And the strange thing is the damage is directly across from the neighbors driveway. But they swear they didn't do it. Go figure :rolleyes:

We call them the "redneck" neighbors. Nothing wrong with a redneck, but from the garbage pile in their font yard, to the overwhelming smell of pot smoke, and their lack of parenting skills they deserve some kind of derogatory name. I have another name for them, but it's not politically correct.

View from my side of the fence 5 minutes ago.

Did I mention the dump is 5 minutes away and is free to residents in my small town?

Did I also mention we also feed their cats? They were starving and I can't let that happen not when I have the power to save lives. The one stays over here all the time now. He gets food and love. I can't let him in the house because they would see him through the windows and I'm sure he doesn't have any vaccinations and could spread something to my pets.

garbage pile.jpg
And d
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I like the high road and taking a positive approach but have also had good results with the opposite. In our old neighborhood some kids stole a toolbox out of our garage. I wasn’t sure who did it but i was pretty sure and saw them sitting on the curb one day when no one else was around. They were young teenagers and i was no angel at that age…. I had words with them about them never needing to worry about me calling the cops or talking to their parents should i catch them. I went into some colorfully worded, vailed hints at the problems which may occur should such an event ever happen. Funny, never saw those kids near me or our house for the rest of my years there. I hope they may have also reconsidered their actions in future due to the odd possibilities of running into some really crazy vengeful person ;-)

in the case of your neighbor kids parents being uncaring and not providing the parental guidance all kids need, assuming that was your plywood, they would receive a letter in about a day from my attorney (who is a good friend) suggesting they deliver a brand new piece of plywood along with an apology or need to consider the full legal action with regards to property damage and arson being addressed. Couldn't be friends with those kind of neighbors anyhow.

maybe inviting the kids over to build bird houses would work but to me is sounds like becoming the surrogate roll model for them could be quite the time consuming project. Id chose you spend that effort on my own grandkids :)
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