An Apology to Some Former Members

I don't know any of the details about what happened on this site or the other and I really don't need to. We are all human and make mistakes, it happens. But the measure of a man is someone that can view his own mistakes and learn from them. Sometimes our emotions, and ego's cloud our logic and judgement, it happens. I don't think that most people are truely malicious, they sometimes just make bad decisions. I am happy to be a member of this site and having a great time here. Nelson. you have done a good thing with this site and kudo's to you for realizing you can't do it alone. And also for explaining your intentions for the site.

Thanks for replying the way many of us truely feel--Dave
I can relate to this very well, Without going into details I dealt with some very difficult/angry/unnecessary things dealing with my parents, I came home with my tail between my legs but realized that nothing good can come from holding grudges/resentment or even hate about things that are really nobodies fault. I decided to try and repair relationships that had somehow failed in my life, mostly recent ones and apologize to those I had either wronged or felt had wronged me in some way. I even apologized to my exwife of 30 years for things I may or may not have done to hurt her, likewise to my daughter. I knocked the chip off my shoulder and am trying to smile more. I feel better about myself for these reasons. Things get out of control quickly.

So Nelson I feel this is a giant step in the right direction and I admire you for this, I hope this forum gets back to the way it was when I first joined, I as others have said spend more time on this forum than all the others combined that I belong to.

Thank you & everybody that make this forum work
I am quite new here also but I have never found any difficulty with the forum. We all need feedback to advance in skills both in our work and life behavior. Gold stars to all who take time to apologize for their mistakes !
Just to put this in perspective, Nelson's post is a year and a half old. I'm sure Nelson feels the same today and all of the comments of appreciation are still relative. I just wanted to point out that the referenced turmoil is in the past and the forum is better today. :))
Just to put this in perspective, Nelson's post is a year and a half old. I'm sure Nelson feels the same today and all of the comments of appreciation are still relative. I just wanted to point out that the referenced turmoil is in the past and the forum is better today. :))

So somebody woke a sleeping bear & I poured my heart out & confessed all my sins thinking my time was up :thinking:

It still felt good
Sorry Charley, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Oh feel good! :thumbsup:
Charley- it is fine. You are certainly welcome to express your feelings. I am glad you did.

The answer to the question about how I feel is that I feel even more sorry today than I did back then when I wrote that. I feel terrible about what transpired between Ed K. and myself, I feel awful about the things that happened with others, too. I wish I could take them back and be friends with everyone again, but life just doesn't work that way, unfortunately. You can't unring a bell. Once something is done, it is done, and cannot be undone. I was too reactive in the way I ran this place out of the gate, and it hurt me, and the forum, and there is nothing I can do to change it but say I am sorry, over and over and over again. I have done what I could to change the way things are now. The site is doing well at what I set out to do as a result of my stepping back.

When my 15 year old son got Cancer a year and a half ago, I really realized how insignificant and stupid these online skirmishes are in the big scheme of things.
Compared to life and death, what happens on an online venue is nothing, really. I have relaxed some at work to, which is to my benefit, by reminding myself that if no one gets sick or hurt or dies, whatever it is that has me upset really doesn't matter very much.

So, yeah, I still feel terrible. I have tried to invite people back, to make amends, and to offer an olive branch. The door is open, and the coffee pot is on. I understand if things are irreparable. Nothing has changed on my end except that I feel worse as time goes by.

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Nelson I truly hope all works out for you, your son's cancer, and your whole family. I know this terrible feeling that you are helpless when a family member gets cancer and it hurts bad, I've been there twice with my wife. Now we take it day by day and feel lucky for each and every day we have. Keep up the good work and try to feel better about what you are doing to help others.
