Another Lubrication Question

Some lathes have a means of lubricating the compound screw / nut, that oil would likely seep into the way surfaces.
Yes you can oil the screw.
I just read in that article that Shell Tonna S3 way oil can be used in gear boxes so I guess I'll probably switch to something like that when it's time to refill.
I would recommend Vacuoline 1409 if you can't find the Shell Tona S3 m68 , they are specifically formulated for both gearbox and way surfaces. Vactra #2 is technically only a way oil but should provide adequate lubrication in the carriage (in some carriages a way oil is preferred as it sticks to the gears better). I find Vacuoline to stick a bit better to the ways and last a bit longer than Vactra #2, most oil distributors carry it in 5 gallon pails. Another alternative is Chevron Way Oil Vistac ISO 68 which has similar ratings to the Tona and 1409. Price wise they are all within a few dollars of each other, but availability may dictate what you end up using.
I bought a 5 gal. pal of Vacuoline 1049 from
Thanks for all the responses.
If I were you I would drop bye a local machine shop and ask them if you could buy a gallon from them. They probably buy 55 gallon drums. To be neighborly they will probably help.
Yeah that would've been a good idea. I'm pretty sure we have a 55 gal. drum at work to but they would never let you take.
Swap all of your oils to a way oil, the apron will work with it. Oils are classified as hydraulic fluids, lubrication oils and coolants. the ISO grade determines the viscosity. An oil like DTE light works good for a general lubrication, it is a ISO32 grade, DTE medium is thicker and is an ISO 68, DTE heavy is an ISO 150. Way lube like Vactra 2 is an ISO 68 but a different kind of lubricant that is sticky where the DTE is more like a general purpose oil. When you start mixing brand names into the mix, it gets real confusing. Tim