Anyone seen the Alibre “Power Guide”?


Oct 18, 2022
Considering updating my out-of-date Pro version. Aside from the benefits of coming 'up to date' on my version, the most enticing offer is this new "book". The weak spot with Alibre, imo, has always been documentation. Is this a marked improvement? What did you think? Inquiring minds want to know...

Considering updating my out-of-date Pro version. Aside from the benefits of coming 'up to date' on my version, the most enticing offer is this new "book". The weak spot with Alibre, imo, has always been documentation. Is this a marked improvement? What did you think? Inquiring minds want to know...


I havn't got the book yet, but the guys at Alibre forum seem to really like it. I learned Alibre mostly, by asking questions on the forum and being a persistant.

Now is a good time though, if you want to update. V26 has some cool enhancements, including wrap and projection. V26 seems to run a little better on my computer, and I love the new Dark user interface.

V27 will be out in a few months, and it sounds like we will finally be getting the geometry text. The ability to create text along curves, circles, etc.