Are all machinists bearded?

I keep mine short enough that I don't have problems with chips getting caught (though.. they do sometimes get stuck in my hair, and my gf ends up pulling them out with a "hold still, you've got something in your hair".
Are all machinists bearded?
Here is what wifey asked me after removing a fancy aluminum "pigtail" hiding inside my beard (now far longer than my profile photo).
If you have a beard, which method do you use to prevent it to become a chip tray?

When I had a beard (shaved it off a few months back because it was turning gray very fast), I can't say I ever had issues with chips.

Now the question is, what if you do your machining in the buff? :rofl:

Find most of my chips when i pull my phone out of my shirt pocket
I used to dip the end of mine in Brasso polishing compound and use it to polish things up on the lathe. :lmao:
I haven't had a beard for a while now and using chin stuble is a bit to close for comfort. :rofl:

Seriously, don't try any of that. :))
I started mine in November 1968 I was tried of people telling me to shave (Army)But I do trim it every now and then. Back when I rode with a few motor gangs it was pretty long.

After Nam and a year in the hospital and on leave I reported to my new duty station with hair down to shoulders and my bears was about 10" long. I was wearing my dress greens now that was a interesting thing, I look on tops face was a Kodak moment.

I won't tell you what he had to say.

I just pick out the Steel or Aluminum and go on my way.
