Atlas MFC Bull Gear set screw


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Nov 15, 2020
About 2 years ago, my bull gear set screw (the one that holds it onto the spindle) was loose. I slid the bull gear back, locked it, and it's been fine since. Using the mill today, I noticed the same thing had happened again. I cinched it up again, but has anyone else run into this? Never happened prior to 2 years ago.
Often our machining is in resonance with such oddities as set screws n such. Your set screw needs a lock nut.
Be careful that your not confusing the set screw in the counter shaft that is to be removed to oil the shaft
I don't mean the one for the oil. :) I mean the one that ties the bull gear onto the spindle.

Well what do you know Brockwood, look what I found:

Never seen one until now...
Ok, well in case anyone else tries this, that didn't actually work. When the set screw in the bull gear is locked in place on the spindle, there is no more thread available to put a lock nut set screw on the end. I'll have to think about this some more.
I don't know how much depth you have to work with here - perhaps 2 shorter setscrews can be substituted. Sure seems there is something out of balance though.
There's plenty of depth in the shaft, it's just that most of it is not threaded. Meaning you need to drop it halfway down until you hit thread.
Not sure I follow. By larger I can only assume you mean longer. When the set screw is fully engaged, there is no threading visible, so how would moving to a longer set screw wouldn't have any more thread engagement. Unless you're suggesting I have one so long that it would stick outside the circumference of the bull gear and use a lock nut on that?
Nope. Drill the hole out to tap for larger set screws that can use the entire hole depth.