Resolved “Attach files” window size?


Ned Ludd's bro
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
I use my iPad the most for my interaction here on H-M. It’s easy to use and easy to take and post pics. But the window it opens to attach files is dinky so it makes it hard to see what I’m looking for in the pic folder. I’m more of a Winblows native so getting into the iOS settings is neither intuitive nor productive. But I tried to see if there was some way to make that “attach files” window bigger (the usual two finger stretch doesn’t work)and tried to goggle it and came up bubkiss.

Is there a parameter here on H-M to do with this or am I stuck? I really hate how Apple seems such a blackbox and few parameters that make a difference to me are available, but I’ll live with it if I have to.
I tried to look on my Ipad Mini, i couldn't get through all the ads that were on the page, even though i was using Brave browser, i had to turn off the shield to see the screen.. the onslaught of ads were totally annoying.. and making it hard to discern what was a thread and what was an ad. I understand advertisement, but the amount i saw while using the IPad was obnoxious.

I really wanted to see what it was that you were talking about and maybe see if there was a fix, but i can not do it with all the obstacles
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when posting a reply if you look right below the reply field there is a little button with the paper clip and it says "Attach files". it then opens a window and asks where you want to attach from.

Since I was doing this reply with my PC and just tried the button and it opens a window too and I could grab the edge and resize to whatever. So I guess it's a iOS shortcoming :(
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I had an iPad but never used it and gave it to my wife's grandson. But I think that there are a few other browsers that have iPad versions. You might try one of those.
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Sorry, I think this is an exclusive problem to iPad/Apple products.
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