Auction Shill Bidding Bots


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 21, 2016
Take a look at items #277-#280 all look identical to me. I put in a $30 bid mainly so I don't forget about it and get an email of a higher bid. Someone or something bid $35. Wouldn't a normal person bid $7.50 0n item #279 rather than $35 on #277? It really makes you wonder.
I for one sure can't figure these auctions out .
Or it could be that who ever raised the bid to $7.50 had put in a $35+ max bid so as soon as you placed your bid they were auto bid to beat yours. Ebay works the same way You put in your max bid and the system will increase by the minimum bid increase amount until you hit your limit or become the high bidder. Unfortunately you have no way of knowing if it is the auction company is shill bidding to get the price up since they are paid by a percentage of the final price.
Little off topic here . I've always wondered if these online poker tournaments are legit or NOT . Everyone is pushing them on the cable networks but who is to say they are what they state they are ?
@Flyinfool That sounds plausible. I put in $30 and it was probably at $7.50. Then the next guy put in, let's say $100 and it went to $35. Yeah I didn't think about that. You're probably right.
I can sympathize with you as having just lost several auctions by a dollar. Flyinfool is most likely correct. I have done several bids that were rejected because somebody had a higher limit already in and several that was raised within minutes by somebody else. Most of the time I don't bid until the last 60 seconds. That is when it gets fun. Just don't get carried away.
Ever since I bought my first machine tool I've been hitting every auction around the Twin Cities. I used to be able to get great deals. I don't really see that anymore. Maybe I'm out of touch, lol.
I have only been to one auction of a machine shop. I was looking for a few specific items and did my homework as to the new and used prices I could find. One item was a right angle 1/2" Milwaukee Drill. The price at the local dealer was $125. the used and some VERY used units in the auction went for close to $200 each. People were just getting so caught up in the bidding they forgot to stop. I have not been to an auction since.
I make a wish list of tools seen on You Tube. 5-6 years ago it wasn't too hard to get a fair deal. Lately everybody seems to think they have some one of a kind special vintage item. It took two years to get a Starrett 98-6 level for $45 and an Indicol bore measuring tool for $60. I too have seen them going for more then a new one. Auctions are a luck of the draw. Sometimes you win and sometimes you loose.
Been on a loosing streak for last two weeks!!!!

By the way if you bid online other Ebay, check out the buyers premium. Some are as high as 27%.

Currently buying clarinets for my wife to refurbish. Same as machinery auctions. Diddn't know that plain Jane clarinets were secretly made of gold!!!!
So far as E Bay is concerned, I never bid on their site directly, I Use E Snipe, on their site, I bid the maximum that I am willing to pay, nobody sees the bid made by me, and it is not submitted to e bay until 5 seconds before the auction ends, E Snipe charges a very small amount for their service. I miss very few items due to low bids.