Auto-Retract Threader, Part Deux


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2018
It's hard to believe it's been nearly two years since I first posted about my auto-retract threader.

It's been a great adventure. I've sold quite a few of them, but I've been plagued by the notion that it somehow needed to be more. Every once in awhile someone would hint that more than 1/8" retract would be desirable. Pursuing this idea, it didn't take me long to realize that the cam design would not scale up very far. Periodically I have considered various ways to achieve greater retract, but never got serious until recently. Looking for a new project, I came across an unfinished unit of the very earliest design, one that was milled from solid. I started playing with it, and pretty soon I had a workable design.

This is just the coolest thing I've seen in quite awhile. This has some legs, and how nice to think it's invented by an HM'er here in the US. Congratulations!
Very nice indeed! How much?
Depends on the size. I currently have AXA and straight shank (for those with toolposts other than Aloris). I'm just finishing some BXA.
AXA are $280, $BXA $290. Straight shank, being milled from solid 4140HT, are $310. Shipping and insurance is $16.
Will likely start some CXA if there's interest.
I've never been interested in these types of tools... ...until now. That looks like a fine piece of work!

Good job!

Nicely done, most definitely.

I ran across this video in my search for others who have delved in this project. What I like about it is that the retract length is perhaps adjustable, judging by the screws on top.
