Bah Humbug


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 3, 2013
So after we finally moved into our Oregon home in September I had planned on spending a month alone getting the California home ready to rent.

Back in January of 2020 my wife was scheduled to have some minor surgery. Covid canceled all that.

Just as we were getting ready for our final move we got a call that the surgery could now be scheduled.

Since September me and my son have been traveling back and forth every two weeks while my wife stayed in California.

The house is ready to rent. There is no furniture, no internet or television.

My wife's last followup appointment was supposed to have been on the 15th of this month. We were set to leave the day after. On the afternoon of the 14th her appointment was rescheduled to today.

Severe weather is rolling into northern California and Southern Oregon. We have two vehicles, one towing a trailer,, a cat and a dog to travel. Looks like we missed the window to travel by one day.

Storms are forecasted back to back for a week or more. If it was just us in the truck I would go and take my chances. Even though our car is AWD my wife has little experience driving in severe weather and is not comfortable driving so it looks like we are stuck here till after Xmas, possibly the new year.

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Hi Jay,

I am finding lately that most weather reports are all doom and gloom, as if they are gonna get sued if they are truthful about the weather and someone gets hurt. (......of course, some seismologists in Italy were taken to court for not predicting an earthquake a few years ago....what utter nonsense!)

With that said, you want her to feel comfortable, and not blamed for the change in plans; she's likely already nervous about surgery.
Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans.
I know there are grand plans, but you will get there and it will be wonderful!
Try to enjoy the journey, at least you will be together.

I hope you have a Merry Humbug anyway!

Caution is always best when towing or heading into bad weather.

Maybe this is just the Universe's way of getting you to say a proper goodbye to the home you have spent so much of your lives in.

Make the most of it and have a very merry Christmas. :)
Hi Jay,

I am finding lately that most weather reports are all doom and gloom, as if they are gonna get sued if they are truthful about the weather and someone gets hurt. (......of course, some seismologists in Italy were taken to court for not predicting an earthquake a few years ago....what utter nonsense!)

With that said, you want her to feel comfortable, and not blamed for the change in plans; she's likely already nervous about surgery.
Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans.
I know there are grand plans, but you will get there and it will be wonderful!
Try to enjoy the journey, at least you will be together.

I hope you have a Merry Humbug anyway!

Thanks Brian. Just frustrated. My wife's driving hesitation is partly my fault for never letting her drive in severe weather (she makes me nervous and I'm a control freak behind the wheel).

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Caution is always best when towing or heading into bad weather.

Maybe this is just the Universe's way of getting you to say a proper goodbye to the home you have spent so much of your lives in.

Make the most of it and have a very merry Christmas. :)
I've towed in zero visibility so I have a certain comfort level. Though I don't care for installing chains anymore.

I'm done with this house. Never liked it but it was a good place to raise children. WAY too many people now. Now it's just an investment property.

Merry Christmas to you.

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Probably just as well to sit out the weather if it was a concern. We left for Phoenix yesterday and the rain was pretty wild. Going through LA late at night the rain was like driving through a swimming pool, we passed at least 4 single roll over wrecks over a 45 minute period on the I-10. When we arrived in Phoenix this morning at one point the rain was literally coming down sideways. AWD and at times 40mph felt like I was pushing it.
Probably just as well to sit out the weather if it was a concern. We left for Phoenix yesterday and the rain was pretty wild. Going through LA late at night the rain was like driving through a swimming pool, we passed at least 4 single roll over wrecks over a 45 minute period on the I-10. When we arrived in Phoenix this morning at one point the rain was literally coming down sideways. AWD and at times 40mph felt like I was pushing it.
Glad you made it safely!

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I've driven many miles towing my 20' race trailer, loaded down, sometimes through zero visibility snow and ice.

I always liked driving until moving to Northern Michigan where the weather can make even a trip to the grocery a chore.

My wife is a good driver too, but given a choice she will always defer to me in poor conditions. It doesn't get easier as we get older so I'm happy to delay any trip I can when the weather is bad.

Fortunately we are all together in Santa Cruz this holiday with our daughter and boyfriend making the trip up from SoCal:grin:

Have a very merry Christmas wherever you may be....

Woo Hoo! We made the trip yesterday. Timed it perfectly. Roads were mostly dry or drying. The wife was very happy.