Ball Turning Attachment

Hi Silverhawk.

I've noticed all the natural light you have going there on your mill. Is the machine standing outside or am I mistaken? It would be GREAT if you could actually working outside doing what you like and enjoy being outdoors at the same time, but it's not practical. So how does your setup work for interest sake?
O by the way it's looking good.


It is actually outside. Most people have a shop. I have a 5x20 shed that houses shelves containing stock, planter boxes, yard Froo froos, roto tillers, ladders, door frames, etc. This shed also houses my machine tools, and those have wheels so I can move them to where I have room to work.

When you have limited space, you have to figure out how to deal with what you have. I do have a shop in my future, but it hasn't happened yet.
Well are making it work. I thought maybe it was on wheels,hope it is stable enough. Enjoy working outside.