Bipolar Signal Isolator Board


H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2013
I just bought a new regenerative drive to replace the one on my lathe. It was damaged by a transformer explosion.
Anyway, the new drive from KB came with a Bipolar Signal Isolator Board. (SIMG) It is highly unlikely that I will ever use it since I don't even know what it does. Does anyone need this? I can post pics or more info if anyone is looking for such a thing.
The mother of my kids had a manic depressant signal board. She used to try to beat me with it to signal her displeasure. She tried to use a Bipolar signal Plymouth Breeze once too. Boy can I pick 'em. good luck finding a home for your spares.
I never though about using it in Psychiatry. Great idea!

Here is a pic.
I THINK I need that for the ELS I'm doing....from a 3.5v to 5v if I'm not mistaken?
Man...the one I need is less than $ seems similar in what it does and description, but I really don't know if its the same?
Much appreciated Robert, but I best let that go to someone that needs that exact item...seems it would be used commonly in the CNC world.
Thanks again,
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