Blake Coaxial indicator question.

I use Starrett instrument oil,which is nothing but high grade mineral oil. You can buy pharmaceutical grade mineral oil at the drug store.
Rats...............No Joy :angry:

Any updates? The reason I ask is during the holidays I bought a Blake coaxial indicator at a black Friday bargain price. The tool came complete in the box with instructions and an extra optional part, a .375 DA-100 collet.
Blake Coaxial 058.jpg
Blake Coaxial 059.jpg
I was able to negotiate the price to a extremely good price (assuming I can repair for a fair cost) because I noticed that the dial did not move when the rocker was moved. In the second photo you can see the the dial appears to be stuck near the max reading. Looking closer at the tool some corrosion as shown in the photo below was noticed. The spindle and external mechanisms move smoothly but the dial does not change.
Blake Coaxial 060.jpg

Last night I researched the design on the net and I believe I understand the internal works. The gear rack that moves the dials is parallel to the spindle and a spring holds it up against the inside face of the top spindle hub (silver thing with rust spots) shown in the third photo. The rack is pushed downward by the hub when the rocker is moved by a stylus pulling the spindle downward. If the rack sticks in the downward position so that the spring cannot lift it when the spindle moves upward the dial would look and stay like the one I have. If it is not stuck then something is broke or loose inside. I am hoping I can take this thing apart and just clean and lubricate.

Now the big question! Has anyone out there ever taken one apart and is willing to offer any instructions? I have the exploded parts diagram from the Blake site and know there are lots of little parts inside. I am hoping that I can just remove the spindle and free up the gear rack without having to remove all the other little stuff. I am not a clock person and don't have the tools to remove/replace the dials so don't want to tackle them.

Thanks, Benny
The Orphanage Never Closes

Blake Coaxial 058.jpg Blake Coaxial 059.jpg Blake Coaxial 060.jpg
None Benny,
But I would be willing for you to take yours apart to see how it works and then if you can fix it just copy your work. :lmao:

Honestly, I looked over the works as well but never gained any comfort level on the idea of taking it apart for fear of ruining it.

keep us posted.
