Bolts for odd holes

thanks Bill. That's what I assumed you were referring to. My local hardware store has a display of these bolts that are 3 dimensional ( I'll asssume they are molded in plastic) but it is priceless to watch customers who get this extremely quisical look on their faces when they look at them:huh:
For a couple of years out of high school, I worked night shift at the machine shop, so took a day job in an industrial fastener distributor. We had one of those charts on display at the sales counter. You might be surprised at the number of serious inquiries we had on some of those.

One thing I'll say though, it was sure a learning experience. Had great old crotchety teachers who had been screwing around for 50 years. Took me under their wing and taught me a lot about nuts and bolts. I still use that knowledge. It fit pretty well with manufacturing.
I could have done with some of those bolts for the Chinese DRO scale installation on my mill (on both the scale and reader head). The second row down, second one across would have worked fine.
I was just lucky I took it apart when I got it and noticed them, I then moved the scale to the front of the table and never used them. What gets me is mine has a swivel table which they could have swung around to drill the holes, but it looks like they just drilled it in the normal position. Just goes to show the scales can be installed like this and still work fine.
I did have a photo, but I cant seem to find it.

Do I see the beginning of a regular fastener info post?

Well, it could happen. I'd be happy to share what I know with whoever needs it, or answer any questions that come up where I can help. I have probably a better working knowledge of fasteners than the average person. I still stay in touch (as a customer and coffee drinker) with those of the old guard who haven't died.
I've seen a surprising number of those used by guys trying to repair their own or their neighbors guns. LOL
Kinda like Tony said, That list is in one of my old gunsmithing books.
At the same time as I was working for the screw house (please, no jokes, I've heard them all :p) right up the street was a newly opened smith, just out of Colorado. He went from a TX DPS Ballistics Officer to private smith, and I hung out with him at lunch and between the two jobs. from him I learned that we didn't sell gun screws at the screw house! But, like Bobby.....I've seen plenty of good 'ol boys use regular hardware...OUCH!
LOL! As long as it gets dinner on the table................
I suppose so. I thought the Phillips head screw was a nice touch too.... :cool: