Buying A Torch For Silver Soldering - Advise Needed

2nd Attempt:

Tonight I brazed a pin into a 1/4" steel plate as a test for a project: I'm fabricating a pin spanner that will hold my
collet chuck while I tighten the collets. This was probably more difficult than the real thing since the spanner will have
less mass around the pin. The first time I tried was a fail: didn't get the plate hot enough and the rod didn't flow
around the pin properly. The second time (below) worked fine. Preheated the parts to 450 degrees in the toaster oven and
then made sure the parts were hot enough before flowing the rod in. I used Map-pro for this one. Should be ready
for the spanner next.

Curse you, now I have that little Smith torch on my want list...

It is well down the list, but it is there. ;)
First Attempts:

I went ahead and bought some Muggyweld SSF-6 and gave it a try this evening. My first try was an utter failure, so I went
back and reviewed the videos from Muggyweld. This is my second attempt, which I think is satisfactory, even though a bit
untidy. I probably used more rod than needed, but it left a fillet that won't hurt anything. I did this with propane.

View attachment 344659

I bought the firebrick from High Temp, Inc. in Portland: they manufacture them and will sell small quantities to hobbyists. These are high
temp bricks (3000 deg.) and cost a bit more than 5 bucks a piece. Tractor supply charges more than $2.50 now. :)
Here I find myself down another rabbit hole...

I silver brazed a lugged bike frame (Reynolds 531 double-butted chrome moly tubing and Italian lugs) with OxyAcetylene many (like 40) years ago in my 'yout'. Now I find myself wanting to build a model engine requiring silver brazing (maybe soldering would be ok?) without an OA rig and without an inclination to have one more big item in my shop that I only use periodically, so I'm considering alternatives.

1. Mini OA set. About $300 for a Victor or Harris set up. How long do the tanks last?
2. HOH set. Never knew about this before last night--turns out it was the first gas welding/brazing heat source. Uses DI water and KOH and electricity to generate hydrogen and oxygen. About the same price as a mini OA set.
3. MAP gas. I already have a Bernzomatic TS4000 turbo torch and MAP/Pro gas.

Mebbe I should just pick up some Harris Safety-silv and Stay-silv and give it a go?

Seems like with a fire brick "furnace" the torch might produce enough energy to work for hard silver brazing? By the way, who knew there were a bunch of different kinds of firebrick? Lightweight is much less conductive that hard brick, but fragile. Yet another rabbit hole.

Curiouser and curiouser!
Oh yea!
We have rabbit holes everywhere on this site.......