Center Lock Switch


Aug 12, 2014
I am looking for an on-off-on switch that has a center lock out i.e. stops you going from forward to revrese in one action. It does not have to be high amperage as I can switch with relays but it would make it easier if it had a 10amp, 2400 W power rating. This is for a reverse switch to install on a mini mill as well as other gear that I envisage fabricating. I have bought switches off Ebay but have had no joy probably because I am not fully conversant in Mandarin. Orange is my preferred citrus. Any help appreciated.
I have seen those, where you cannot move straight from one position thru the center to the other, without stopping. Can't for the life of me remember where though. They do exist though.
I've installed big toggle switches for Darkrooms that switch from safelight to white light with a stop in between so you can't flip on the white when all you need to do is turn off the safe. I can't remember where we got them but they weren't hard to find as I recall. They were 20 amp rating IIRC.
As Tony said they are available. I salvaged one out of an electrical panel from work, probably 20 years ago, don't remember using it but have no idea if its still around.

Wowsers! I was looking at this switch on Amazon in back in 2013, and their price was >$80!

Here's an alternative source ($21.66 + $?? shipping):

And here's the information on the Eaton website:
Hello again Inspector Gadget,
Thanks for the link. I am waiting for a reply re. postage. I have sourced a supply here in OZ, RS components about 40AUD. This sounds exorbitant but with the AUD buying about 2 dimesUS:oops:, plus the postage I may go that way. Thanks again to all who responded to my question.
P.S. Say hello to Penny and Brain for me:adore:.