coloring acraglas

Thanks all. I figured there would be some options available.
as mentioned above. I've used bone black for a number of years. A little bit goes a long way.

Another use for bone black, I mix it with Hoppes gun oil to make a paste and then use it to swab in rifle barrels to prevent scaling when silver soldering on a ramp.

Hey All,
I know that the times I have lined 22 barrels, I have used acraglas to secure the liners in the barrel. To hide the glue line, I have tinted the acraglas with lamp black. It works very well and there is no compatibility issues. Lamp black can be purchased from several on-line resources.

I thought I would add that the next time I am going to try using Loc-Tite thread compound to see how this works when lining a barrel. One good thing about Loc-Tite is that you can use heat to fix a problem if you make a mistake.
I've used artists paint several times and never had a failure of the epoxy cure. A little drop of paint is enough.

I used to have a big can of lamp black and I think I must have tossed it out, probably due to fear that someone would open it and make a mess. Since I'm cheap, I've also made carbon black by grinding hardwood charcoal for making inletting black by mixing it with petroleum jelly. Lots of work is required to get the charcoal ground fine enough so it doesn't feel too gritty. One of these days I'll run a batch in my rotary tumbler - in a pill bottle with the lid secured shut.